哥伦布,俄亥俄州附近的结果 ·
  1. 包含 Chabad Vegetables 的结果。
    是否只需要 Chibad Vegetables 的结果?
  2. Kachri: The Wild Melon Used In North Indian Cooking; …

    2023年8月29日 · Also known as chibad in Punjab, this foraged vegetable is known to be extremely gut-friendly, helping to eliminate bad bacteria from the body. The seeds of these wild melons are also rich in good fats and contain …

  3. Kosher Fruits and Vegetables - Chabad.org

  4. Chibad (Cucamelon) Indian Recipes: Kachri Chutney, …

    Find recipes for chibber- try chibbar chutney, chibad sabji, kachri mirch to more delicious easy ones. Explore Kachri recipe and find your new favorite today!

  5. kachri (Cucumis callosus), the wild melon that packs antioxidants …

  6. a chutney to supplement Calcium, Iron and antioxidants

  7. Fruits & Vegetables Checking Guide - cRc Consumer …

    Fruits and Vegetables Checking Guide. See below for a full product listing of Fruits and Vegetables and how to check them for insects. The list is regularly updated so make sure to check back periodically for updates. The Introduction …

  8. Jewish Foods, by Course: Vegetables & Salads - Jewish Virtual Library

  9. Rajasthani Kachri Phali Ki Sabzi Recipe by Archana's …

    2017年10月29日 · Kachri is a wild variety of cucumber that resembles a brown yellow small melon.They come in different shape and size. Kachri Phali Ki Sabzi Recipe (Wild Cucumber And Beans Sabzi) is famous recipe in …

  10. Chibud Harshale/ Mash melon Rasayana: - shrikripa.in

    2020年3月26日 · Chibud is a variety of Melon which is oblong and larger in size, normally found in various parts of India. Known by many names like chibbada, Chiber, Mash melon, Cucumis melo. It belongs to the mel…

  11. Cantaloupe sweetdish (Chibda hashale or chibda phovu)

    Chibbad(Konkani) or Karbooja(Hindi) is a kind of sweet melon. There are so many different kinds of melons available here, I was very much confused which one to use for this dish (and also for the milkshake).Finally I zeroed on …

  12. 包含 Chabad Vegetables 的结果。
    是否只需要 Chibad Vegetables 的结果?
  13. 某些结果已被删除