Post MD/MBA Salaries? | Student Doctor Network
2001年12月20日 · how realistic is it to make $250,000+ per year working in a (nonclinical) business position, if you are an M.D. (with a state license, but haven't completed a residency) …
MD/MBA salary | Student Doctor Network
2004年4月23日 · A regular MBA who is good at his job has a lot higher salary ceiling than most physicians, so if money is your main interest, then skip med school. This isn't a career to get …
MD/MBA jobs right out of med school (no residency)
2009年3月19日 · Did the MD/MBA help? You bet it did. People respect the MD degree. It adds a perception of integrity, validity and security to everything you do. The MBA sets you apart from …
What kind of salary can one expect with a MD/MBA?
2006年1月5日 · Also, in all fairness, Aetna, for example, is only partially a healthcare related entity. They generate a ton of their income through life and disability insurance, employee …
MD/MBA: What is the benefit? | Student Doctor Network
2006年7月17日 · degree overload. After a certain amount of school it's about time ppl start pulling in dollars. The fewer degrees needed to hit it big, the better. md, mba, phd would take like 8 …
MBA after medical school | Student Doctor Network
2017年1月29日 · 1-What are the opportunities and careers options for MD/ MBA? (it's separate -not dual program) . with rough ideas about salaries , work hours..etc 2-for a specialized …
Physicians in the Pharmaceutical Industry - Student Doctor …
2017年2月6日 · The business camp is devoted to the commercialization, marketing and sales of pharma products once they hit the market. In the business side of pharma, most are people …
MBA vs. MHA- the showdown | Student Doctor Network
2007年2月12日 · Quote: Originally Posted by bluejay68 There are plenty of posts here for what careers are available to MD/MBA's; in my opinion, the MHA really locks you into provider …
MBA during medical school (Best Option)? - Student Doctor …
2017年8月25日 · Speaking as an MD/MBA, I think the realistic options are twofold: Combined MD/MBA or DO/MBA program; MBA after completion of residency and board certification …
MD with extra degrees = higher salary? | Student Doctor Network
2006年7月12日 · If you have MD with extra degrees like MPH, MS or MPhil, does that calculate into your salary after finishing your residency? How about MDs with PhD, JD and MBA? Or all …