Dyera costulata - Wikipedia
Dyera costulata, the jelutong, is a species of tree in the family Apocynaceae. It grows to approximately 60 metres (200 ft) tall with diameters of 2 metres (5 to 6 ft), or even to 80 m …
taxo4254 - Dyera costulata
Jelutong (Dyera costulata) is a native huge forest tree in the Apocynaceae family that can grow up to 60m tall. Found in Southern Thailand, Peninsular Malaysia, Singapore, Sumatra, and …
Jelutong | The Wood Database (Hardwood)
Jelutong (Dyera costulata) Common Name(s): Jelutong. Scientific Name: Dyera costulata. Distribution: Malaysia, Borneo, and various regions in southeast Asia. Tree Size: 100-200 ft …
NParks | Dyera costulata - National Parks Board
Dyera costulata or Jelutong is a native tree of Singapore that grows up to 80 m tall. It has whorled leaves, flowers are 5 petalled, white, yellowish-green or pinkish-yellow in colour. The fruit is a …
Jelutong (Dyera costulata) - iNaturalist
Dyera costulata (syn. D. laxiflora), the jelutong, is a species of tree in the oleander subfamily. It grows to approximately 60 metres (200 ft) tall with diameters of 2 metres (5 to 6 ft), or even to …
JELUTONG: PHENOLOGY, FRUIT AND SEED BIOLOGY by S. K. YAP* Summary With the growing demand for Jelutong, the forest resource base of the species has diminished rapidly. …
Jelutong - Dyera costulata
2014年5月25日 · Dyera costulata can be easily identified from its branching where they curve upwards from a point. This might not be apparent for a mature tree it is still possible to observe …
Jelutong (HT 2015 239)
The fruit is woody follicle, arranged in a pair, up to 40 cm long, and splits upon maturity releasing flattened elliptic seeds with a membranous wing. The latex tapped from the Jelutong is called …
Jelutong (Dyera costulata) - Lightwood
tall, dominant canopy tree Habitat primary lowland or hill forest, up to 300m altitude; clayey to sandy soils, well drained; in secondary forests usually present as pre-disturbance remnant
Leaves are broad, shiny and occur in whorls of 6 to 8. Jelutong shed their leaves about twice a year after the dry season. A striking feature is the attractive reddish brown flushes of new …