John Deere 7700 - The Combine Forum
2007年8月26日 · I am in need of some info on the John Deere 7700 combine. I need to know info on the earlier model 7700s, the ones with the yellow seats. Like updates from early to late model combines. I know they changed the cab? I know nothing about Deere combines so bear with me. Pictures would be greatly appriciated!
John Deere 45 info - The Combine Forum
2013年4月21日 · Good luck on your project, I love the old combines myself. Especially the 12-A, 25, 30 modles. I just thought I'd mention, a place called TM Books and Videos have a collection of kids shows (I know because I got some for my toddlers), one is about making a JD combine.
Case IH vs John Deere Combines | The Combine Forum
2013年2月5日 · Case used to be way behind but are equal now and ahead on some models. JD usually has the edge on reliability and second place on threshing. What is resale doing now? Last auction I was at this fall case was as strong as deere. I was shopping sprayers and at dealers case are more money in a 2 year old machine. Deere makes some silly moves too.
How to set sieves? - The Combine Forum
2016年8月26日 · Thanks for all the help and suggestions, I spent an hour or 2 the other day checking how things looked in the combine and tinkering with settings and we got the sample to clean up remarkably well with losses dropping slightly to anywhere from 3-6 seeds/sqft.
Jd 9450 - The Combine Forum
2007年12月7日 · Re: JD 9450 To answer your basic question, a 9450 would handle the 6 row and 20 foot head just fine. It is the same machine as a 9410/9400 but with the 50 series cosmetic and electrical updates.
The best STS Model. the 9770 - The Combine Forum
2015年5月31日 · Seems to be the trend with most new equipment of all colors. Our 2388 was the most reliable combine we had, had nearly every series since then and I agree, more complicated to work on and require being worked on more often. I bought a good used 9770 this winter for our second machine.
John Deere 7720 - The Combine Forum
2015年9月14日 · We were running 5 different combines this year. 7720, 9600, 9650w, 9770, 7240. Guess which one had the best tank sample. The 7720. The 7240 was a close second. Neighbor borrowed it and ended up buying it from me. That combine cut over 1000 acres this year with very few break downs. Certainly the not a big combine, but they do a great job.
Serial Numbers - The Combine Forum
2009年12月21日 · The Combine Forum. 903K posts 58K members Since 2005 A forum community dedicated to all combine owners and ...
upgrading from 9600.. 9770 STS, or s660 pros/cons - The Combine …
2013年8月17日 · the 9600 is a very good, cheap combine to run. I no of people with 4000 hours on them and they have virtually no breakdowns in the field (they spend some money on them through the JD shop every year). the major pro I see for upgrading would be starting to accumulate yield data. that is why I upgraded about 6 years ago.
6600 shoe augers - The Combine Forum
2013年11月10日 · A good chisel, and a short handled hammer with a heavy head incase to have to get back in behind them and drive them out. I just changed the bearing that are on the outer most part of the machine where the chain drives the unload system. And my combine is in the 80's. I would think you will for sure need a torch on a 60's model.