Iridium without going to Skull Caverns | Stardew Valley Forums
2024年11月23日 · Something to add, generally people want iridium ore for the bars (as the ore is not crazy useful outside of a few niche uses like trading for mega bombs and in the slingshot). that in mind, you can also look at ways to get iridium bars from non skull cavern sources:
Easiest Early game way to farm iridium? - Stardew Valley Forums
2024年7月9日 · I myself laid down iridium, until i unlocked the statue from Grandpa's Shrine. Then, one step at a time i upgraded everything. At this point, i also unlocked trinkers, found few good ones and then, started going dungeons seriously. With the surplus iridium gained post that point, i also crafted my machinery (crystallariums, etc).
Iridium legendary fish - Stardew Valley Forums
2023年4月23日 · Hello, it's a pleasure. I don't know if you can help me, I want to fish the legendary fish in iridium quality and I'm starting with the angler fish, the thing is that if I use the sea foam pudding and a cork to increase the bar, even though I …
Iridium Krobus Fishing out of bounds glitch - Stardew Valley Forums
2021年9月25日 · Was just messing around with an out-of-bounds glitch (the weapon movement one) around marines and decided to fish near the sewage outlet. When i fished there i got a present with a statue of an "iridum Krobus".
Alternate iridium source - Stardew Valley Forums
2021年4月28日 · That's 79 non-birthdays * 0.25 chance for iridium ~ 20 iridium bars, so 50000g/bar. Which is exactly the cost I suggested in the OP, 10k per ore. Another solution is to follow up on the geode idea (that part of Zen_the_Ogre's suggestion was indeed constructive). The first 142 geodes in my game produced zero iridium, so I was not aware it was ...
What floor do people start at in skull cavern ... - Stardew Valley …
2022年2月23日 · To try and maximize time spent, I also tend to skip single iridium nodes and bomb areas where there are at least 3 'interesting' nodes (say two iridium and a diamond). The only single node that make me pause are the mystic ones. This usually nets me around 300-400 iridium. I may have hit high 400's on a good run, but it's uncommon.
Item ID List - Stardew Valley Forums
2023年6月8日 · Hey! I've made this Stardew Valley ID list: StardewList.com. Some of the features: Item search (by Name or ID) Sorting Items in table (by Name, ID, and Value) Button for copying IDs Picking items and copying the whole list separated as you want (with [ and ] by default) - currently not...
How to get iridium?? - Stardew Valley Forums
2023年8月3日 · If you only want a few iridium to craft a handful of item, another option is to repeat the first levels and focus on killing purple slimes, because they have a chance to drop iridium ore. Another easy option is to wait for GrandPa's evaluation and get the Statue of Perfection, that gives 2 - 8 iridium ores each morning.
Iridium Legendary Fish - Stardew Valley Forums
2021年12月20日 · Also if you're trying to catch them perfectly, your only boost shouldn't be the food, just saying. There is another source of a fishing buff which should definitely be used. And yeah, if you want Iridium quality, needs to be done with the cork bobber and a perfect catch, or the quality bobber without one.
Iridium Bar? - Stardew Valley Forums
2020年5月3日 · upgrade your tools and craft sprinklers / other things that require an iridium bar. very helpful note: Krobus sells one iridium sprinkler every friday for $10,000, but you need to have the sewers unlocked to get it!