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  1. 28 days
    • 根据 5 个来源
    Most duck eggs take 28 days to hatch. Muscovy duck eggs take 35 days to hatch. It is possible for eggs to hatch after anywhere between 25 days and 33 days (or, for Muscovies, between 32 and 38 days).
    Duck eggs should be incubated at a temperature between 99.3 and 99.6 (but again, check the setting for your particular model) for 28 days.
    Duck eggs incubate at a temperature between 99.3 and 99.6 (but again, check the setting for your particular model) for 28 days.
    Incubating duck eggs takes 28 days (35 days for Muscovys) once the eggs have “set”. The eggs are set once they have been in the incubator for 24 hrs.
    Incubating duck eggs is similar to incubating chicken eggs, except the incubation period is longer at 28 days and the humidity is slightly higher.
  2. Hatching Duck Eggs: Complete 28 Day Incubation Guide

  3. How To Incubate Duck Eggs - The Happy Chicken Coop

    2022年3月17日 · Incubating duck eggs and chicken eggs is like comparing apples to oranges. Read this quick guide on what the difference is and how to successfully incubate duck eggs.

  4. Complete Guide to Incubating Duck Eggs for Optimal …

    Incubating duck eggs is different from hatching chicken eggs, and we take a thorough look at the reasons and how to successfully hatch your own ducklings.

  5. Guide To Incubating and Hatching Duck Eggs – Meyer …

    2024年4月17日 · Learn the steps and tips for incubating and hatching duck eggs using an incubator. Find out the temperature, humidity, and turner settings, and how to monitor and care for the eggs and ducklings.

  6. Beginner’s Guide to Hatching Duck Eggs and Raising Ducklings

  7. How to Incubate Duck Eggs + Incubation Chart

    The duck egg incubation chart below was designed for those who want to hatch their duck eggs at home. This incubation chart shows the ideal temperature, humidity, and turning frequency for each day of incubation.

  8. Incubating and Hatching Duck Eggs - Metzer Farms

  9. Hatching Duck Eggs | HGTV

    Duck eggs incubate at a temperature between 99.3 and 99.6 (but again, check the setting for your particular model) for 28 days. The humidity level should be 45-55% for the first 25 days and then increased to 65% for the last three days.

  10. How to hatch duck eggs in incubator or under momma …

    2022年12月31日 · Bob the cat helps to incubate a hatching duck egg. Here you can see where a duckling has pipped, e.g. punched the first hole in its shell. Needless to say, when delicate ducklings are chirping and punching through …

  11. Hatching Duck Eggs in an Incubator with High Hatch …

    2019年1月14日 · Below, I've created a little cheat sheet, detailing the steps I follow for successfully hatching duck eggs. This gives me consistently high hatch rates, with vigorous, fluffy ducklings. Whether you're looking to hatch a few …