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  1. Herons in the UK (Complete Guide with Pictures) | Birdfact

    What is the most common heron in the UK? The Grey heron is easily the UK’s most common heron, with some 13,000 nests and 63,000 birds during winter. On the other hand, the Little egret and bittern are comparatively rare, with under 1,000 breeding pairs.

  2. Grey Heron Bird Facts | Ardea Cinerea - The RSPB Wildlife Charity

    Discover nesting Grey Herons and Little Egrets, Nuthatches and woodpeckers among this ancient woodland and abandoned oak plantation. Explore Bluebell woods, a cherry orchard and wetlands. Wander the reserve and see herons and egrets, Nightingales, Water Voles and more.

  3. Grey heron - The Wildlife Trusts

    The heron is an easily recognised, grey-backed bird, with long legs, a long, white neck, bright yellow bill and a black eyestripe that continues as long, drooping feathers down the neck. Flies with its long legs stretched out, but its neck pulled in.

  4. Guide to Britain's herons, bitterns and cranes: identification, what ...

    Herons are a common sight in the UK, often seen perched on the bank of a river or lake, or hunting for fish in wetlands and marsh. You may even see a heron fishing in your garden …

  5. Grey Heron | BTO - British Trust for Ornithology

    The Grey Heron is a distinctive species with grey, black, and white plumage. It is often seen along rivers or lake margins, or standing in flooded fields. In flight their large size, impressive wingspan, long legs, and folded neck give them an unmistakable silhouette.

  6. The NHBS Guide to UK Heron, Egret and Bittern Identification

    2022年2月2日 · Herons are freshwater and coastal birds in the family Ardeidae. We have several resident and migrant heron species in the UK, including bitterns, which are a part of the subfamily Botaurinae, and egrets, which, despite being named differently, are not a biologically distinct group from herons.

  7. 8 Types of Herons in United Kingdom – Nature Blog Network

    From the widespread, grey-feathered Grey Heron to the rare visitor Purple Heron; intimate freshwater reedbeds host the secretive Little Bittern while flooded grasslands invite the sociable Cattle Egret among livestock. Read on to discover an overview of each heron’s identification, habitat, breeding and feeding habits.

  8. Grey Heron Bird Facts (Ardea cinerea) | Birdfact

    The Grey Heron is a tall, unmistakable wading bird with a long S-shaped neck and predominantly grey plumage, a white head and neck with a black eyebrow stripe, and a long, dagger-like yellow bill. Its body is adorned with elongated black feathers on the crown and breast.

  9. Grey heron - Kent Wildlife Trust

    The heron is an easily recognised, grey-backed bird, with long legs, a long, white neck, bright yellow bill and a black eyestripe that continues as long, drooping feathers down the neck. Flies with its long legs stretched out, but its neck pulled in.

  10. Grey Heron (Ardea cinerea) | Bird Wise North Kent

    Herons nest in trees, in groups called Heronries. They are early nesters, some birds lay their first eggs in February. Grey Heron are on the Green list for Birds of Conservation Concern. Interesting fact: They are the largest bird that many of us will see on the coast, their wingspan is around 6ft!