Hephaestus - God of War Wiki
Hephaestus, the god of smithery and forging, was revered as Olympus' top craftsman in the God of War Greek era. He crafted the Gauntlet of Zeus and likely most of Kratos' arsenal, including the blades of chaos. His marriage to Aphrodite and deformity, possibly a result of Zeus' attack, are notable aspects of his character.
赫費斯提翁 - 維基百科,自由的百科全書
身為亞歷山大大帝的 御前近衛官,在十年亞洲東征期間,他統帥 夥友騎兵,擔負諸多重任,包括外交使命、架橋跨越大河天塹,圍陷要塞,建立新城。 赫費斯提翁不僅是一位戰士,還與當世名哲 亞里斯多德 、 色諾克拉底 通信,積極支持亞歷山大融合希臘人和波斯人的嘗試。 亞歷山大任命他為帝國的 奇力阿克 [註 1],正式將其立為第二統帥。 亞歷山大與 大流士三世 的女兒 斯妲特拉 成婚時,也讓赫費斯提翁娶了斯妲特拉的姐妹 德莉比娣絲,使其成為王族的一員。 前324十月, …
赫费斯提翁 - 维基百科,自由的百科全书
赫费斯提翁 (古希腊语: Ἡφαιστίων Hephaistíon;约前356—前324十月),或译赫菲斯定、赫菲斯辛、赫菲斯登、赫菲斯提昂 [1], 古马其顿 贵族阿敏托尔之子,是 亚历山大 麾下的一员大将。 他“在亚历山大众友中最为亲密,与其一起长大,知道他所有的秘密。 ” [2] 他们之间的亲密关系直至两人终生,并(被众人以及他们自己)比作是 阿喀琉斯 和 帕特洛克罗斯。 赫费斯提翁的军事生涯功勋卓著。 身为亚历山大大帝的 御前近卫官,在十年亚洲东征期间,他统帅 伙友骑兵,担 …
Hephaestion - Wikipedia
Hephaestion (Ancient Greek: Ἡφαιστίων Hēphaistíōn; c. 356 BC – October 324 BC), son of Amyntor, was an ancient Macedonian nobleman of probable "Attic or Ionian extraction" [3] and a general in the army of Alexander the Great. He was "by far the dearest of all the king's friends; he had been brought up with Alexander and shared ...
Hephaestus (God of War) | Villains Wiki | Fandom
Hephaestus, the Craftsman of Olympus, is a god of fire and craftsmanship and an supporting character in God of War III. The Olympian smith god, Hephaestus was sent to the Underworld after the death of Ares by Zeus.
Hephaestus - Wikipedia
Hephaestus (UK: / hɪˈfiːstəs / hif-EE-stəs, US: / hɪˈfɛstəs / hif-EST-əs; eight spellings; Ancient Greek: Ἥφαιστος, romanized:Hḗphaistos) is the Greek god of artisans, blacksmiths, carpenters, craftsmen, fire, metallurgy, metalworking, sculpture and volcanoes. [ 1 ] . Hephaestus's Roman counterpart is Vulcan.
Hephaestus | Myth and Folklore Wiki | Fandom
Hephaestus (/hɪˈfɪjstəs, hɪˈfɛstəs/; eight spellings; Greek: Ἥφαιστος Hēphaistos) is the Greek god of blacksmiths, metalworking, carpenters, craftsmen, artisans, sculptors, metallurgy, fire (compare, however, with Hestia), and volcanoes. Hephaestus' Roman equivalent is Vulcan.
Hephaestus - TYPE-MOON Wiki
Hephaestus WP (ヘファイストス, Hefaisutosu?) is one of the Twelve Olympians. Hephaestus, the Greek God of Fire and the Forge. He is the creator of the armaments of many heroes such as Achilles and Heracles. He is the husband of Aphrodite and is known for often getting cheated by her. In Roman Mythology, his known as Vulcan WP.
Hephaestion - Fate/Grand Order Wiki
Hephaestion is said to have been the most beloved by Iskandar, the King of Conquerors. However...she is not that Hephaestion. A sorceress from the ever-mystical age of the gods who is infinitely loyal to Iskandar, yet despises him and the king's army more than anyone else.