约 2,430,000 个结果
  1. Hadoop/Hive : Loading data from .csv on a local machine

    2013年10月11日 · create table tableName (column1 datatype, column2 datatype , column3 datatype , column4 datatype) ROW FORMAT SERDE …

  2. hadoop - Hive: how to show all partitions of a table? - Stack …

    2013年3月25日 · If you have Airflow installed together with apache.hive extra, you create hmsclient quite easy: hive_hook = HiveMetastoreHook() with hive_hook.metastore as …

  3. hadoop - How to get all table definitions in a database in Hive ...

    Then modify the list to make it a hive query for each table as follows: describe my_table_01; describe my_TABLE_02; So you will have a flat file with the all your describe statements …

  4. hadoop - Hive insert query like SQL - Stack Overflow

    hive> create table demo(foo string); hive> load data inpath '/demo.txt' into table demo; Now,if I do a SELECT on this table it'll give me : hive> select * from demo; OK ABC XYZ Suppose, I have …

  5. hadoop - How to Access Hive via Python? - Stack Overflow

    2014年1月27日 · In addition to the standard python program, a few libraries need to be installed to allow Python to build the connection to the Hadoop databae. 1.Pyhs2, Python Hive Server 2 …

  6. hadoop - Hive: SELECT AS and GROUP BY - Stack Overflow

    2016年8月31日 · In Hive 0.11.0 and later, columns can be specified by position if hive.groupby.orderby.position.alias is set to true. Please confirm if the following query works …

  7. hadoop - Hive load CSV with commas in quoted fields - Stack …

    2016年2月11日 · I am trying to load a CSV file into a Hive table like so: CREATE TABLE mytable ( num1 INT, text1 STRING, num2 INT, text2 STRING ) ROW FORMAT DELIMITED FIELDS …

  8. hadoop - Alter hive table add or drop column - Stack Overflow

    2015年12月10日 · You cannot drop column directly from a table using command ALTER TABLE table_name drop col_name;. The only way to drop column is using replace command.

  9. hadoop - exporting Hive table to csv in hdfs - Stack Overflow

    2015年5月13日 · This three step process worked fine for me: in HIVE, create a new temporary table stored as textfile. CREATE TABLE temp_table( id INT, name STRING) ROW FORMAT …

  10. hadoop - Create HIVE Table with multi character delimiter - Stack …

    2016年11月12日 · I had a similar issue and was able to build a table successfully with this answer, but ran into issues at query time with aggregations. Some digging and I ended up …