  1. Copilot 答案
    Genetic Background - SpringerLink

    Genetic background represents all the genes in the genome that may influence or modify the effects of mutations. The essay discusses the complications of epistasis and genetic linkage in gene targeting experiments and the need for a systemic view of biological organization.


    With gene targeting one can knock out a gene in vivo and create a mutant organism that lacks the gene product. The promise of gene targeting has been to reveal the in vivo function of the gene of interest. However, the functional relevance of gene targeting has been questioned [reviewed in (3)] because the mutation may lead to an avalanche of compe...


    The principal problem in genomics is a systemic one that concerns biological organization and the functional units of this organization. From a geneticist's viewpoint the units of biological organization are the genes and their function is to encode particular proteins. However, when it comes to the question of phenotypical effects, genes may not b...


    The F2 population is a segregating population in which mice have recombinant genotypes derived from the two parental mouse strains (Fig. 1). The difficulties arising from this are threefold. First, the recombination pattern, i.e. which locus contains strain 129 and which B6 alleles and whether in a homozygous or heterozygous form, may be different ...


    In order to decrease the probability of contribution of variable background genes, one could backcross the mutant hybrid animals for several generations to the strain of choice, e.g. to B6, and create a congenic strain that carries the mutation on the desired genetic background. However, complete elimination of 129‐type genes that surround the locu...
