At First Peachtree Finance, we will guide you to prevent collection activity on your account. Make Payments Save time, gas and money by making your payments online 24/7!
First Peachtree finance does not endorse one company over another. Your contract requires you to carry "full" coverage. That means Comprehensive and Collision protection in addition to mandated Liability coverage with deductibles not to exceed $500 dollars.
When trading a car, you must contact your First Peachtree Finance account representative immediately with the following information: the name of the dealership with whom you traded, their location, phone number and name of your salesperson.
Update First Peachtree Finance of all changes involving where you live, where you work, and phone numbers where we can reach you. Promptly report any insurance claims to First Peachtree Finance. These are a few of the important things you will find in your contract.