Eileithyia - Wikipedia
Eileithyia or Ilithyia (/ ɪlɪˈθaɪ.ə /; [1] Ancient Greek: Εἰλείθυια; Ἐλεύθυια (Eleuthyia) in Crete, also Ἐλευθία (Eleuthia) or Ἐλυσία (Elysia) in Laconia and Messene, and Ἐλευθώ (Eleuthō) in literature) [2] was the Greek goddess of childbirth and midwifery, [3] and the daughter of …
EILEITHYIA CULT - Ancient Greek Religion - THEOI GREEK …
Eileithyia was the ancient Greek goddess of childbirth. She was sometimes worshipped as twin Eileithyiai. She was an important cult goddess with a number of shrines around Greece. Her cult centre was the town of Amnisus in Crete, the reputed place of her birth.
厄勒梯亚 - 维基百科,自由的百科全书
艾莉西亞是源自前希腊时期的非 印欧神话 神祇,其名字的词根不属于 印欧语系。 研究者认为她可能是 米诺斯文化 所崇拜的神。 在米诺斯文明毁灭后, 希腊人 把她纳入自己的神话体系,作为 生育 和助产女神。 现存的最早提到艾莉西亞的文献是 史诗 《伊利亚特》。 荷马 在《伊利亚特》中使用 复数 形式描述艾莉西亞,并说她们是 赫拉 的女儿。 似乎这里的艾莉西亞是指一组(或一类)神。 然而在《奥德修纪》中荷马就认为只有一个助产女神了。 赫西俄德 在《神谱》中甚至 …
EILEITHYIA - Greek Goddess of Childbirth (Roman Lucina)
Eileithyia was depicted as a woman wielding a torch, representing the burning pains of childbirth, or with her arms raised in the air to bring the child to the light. She was closely identified with the goddesses Hera and Artemis, both of whom bore epithets of her name. EILEITHYIA (Eileithuia), also called Eleithyia, Eilethyia, or Eleutho.
Eileithyia - World History Encyclopedia
2023年7月4日 · In the Arcadian town of Tegea, there was a temple and statue of Eileithyia in the marketplace. The Tegeans called Eileithyia 'Auge-on-her-knees' after King Aleos of Arcadia handed off his daughter Auge to be drowned after she was found to be pregnant.
Eileithyia - Greek Goddess Of Childbirth - Facts & Information
Eileithyia’s shrines, particularly in Olympia and Crete, were central to rituals and ceremonies aimed at ensuring safe childbirth. The stalactites and stalagmites in Eileithyia’s birth cave symbolizie her powers of labor induction and delay.
Clay vessel with two figurines in a childbirth scene - Heraklion ...
It is a bowl with two horizontal handles, containing an attached group of two simply rendered, seated figurines. One figure probably represents the goddess Eileithyia, who is embracing and assisting a pregnant woman by placing her hands on the woman’s belly as she gives birth.
Who is Eileithyia, the Greek Goddess of Childbirth and Labor?
Statue of Eileithyia at The British Museum. Hera, her mother, had given the command to do this. Hera sent her daughter Eileithyia to stand outside the bedroom where the lovely Greek woman named Alcmene, whom Zeus had made pregnant, was giving birth because she was angry and resentful of her husband Zeus’s behavior.
Eileithyia: Greek Deity of Childbirth and Labor - Malevus
2024年2月6日 · Eileithyia (from the Greek Εἰλείθυια, meaning “bringer” or “liberator”) was a Cretan goddess adopted within Greek religion and mythology as a deity of childbirth and labor. She was believed to both send and alleviate the pains experienced by women during childbirth.
Olympia, Naiskos of Eileithyia and Sosipolis (Building)
Small temple; on the north side of the Sanctuary of Zeus (Altis), at the west end of the Treasury Terrace between the Nymphaion and the Treasury of the Sikyonians. Plan: Nearly square cella with small pronaos. History: Square statue base near rear wall. Holes in east and west walls held a wooden barrier rail before the statue base.