Are there drow deities that encourage cooperation with surface …
2021年5月31日 · Some drow exiles have heard the song of Eilistraee, urging them out onto the surface to behold the moon as it rises. The drow goddess of song, beauty, swordwork, hunting, and moonlight, she is the patron of drow who reject the evils of their society, offering them light and hope. In the AD&D book Demihuman Deities, Eilistraee is given more ...
Shadar-Kai and Shadow Elves are not the same. - Role-playing …
Shadow elves are pretty much identical to regular standard elves, except that they have greater infravision range and don't get benefits for fighting with swords and bows. In 5th edition terms, this would probably be be emulated by taking the high elf, increasing darkvision distance to 120 ft., and dropping weapon training.
Is there any major mechanical advantage to playing a Drow Elf (full ...
2020年2月21日 · In Xanathar's Guide to Everything p. 74, there is an excellent racial feat available only to drow called Drow High Magic, which I think is worth being a full-blooded drow for. It allows you to cast detect magic at will, and allows you to cast levitate and dispel magic once per long rest using the feat (you learn all 3 spells).
dnd 5e 2014 - How to handle Sunlight Sensitivity (of Drow, etc ...
Compared to other Elves, Drow have more racial traits and, in particular, Superior Darkvision and Drow Magic are quite powerful, so Sunlight Sensitivity is meant to balance this difference. In practice Sunlight Sensitivity only provides significant …
dnd 5e 2014 - With the lifespan of elves, would you ever …
2015年1月13日 · The only elves in the Monster Manual are drow. Even "lowly" Drow (p. 128)are far more capable than human Commoners. The other drow are among the most capable humanoids in the book, with challenge ratings 5-8. The …
What variants/alternative options are there for half-elves?
2021年12月16日 · Illumians, I’ll buy there’s some issues. And the dragonblood subraces, too, as noted in my question. Drow also. But non-drow elves aren’t differentiated in Eberron. The Aereni include all non-drow elves, and this so do those in Khorvaire, which means all half-elves do too. 5e even says this explicitly. \$\endgroup\$ –
In general, how do dwarves interact with other races?
2021年11月23日 · Elves: "Gold dwarves in particular looked down upon the Tel-quessir, whom they loathed in part due to their ancient enmity with the drow." Monstorous races: "Of the monstrous races, the gold dwarves' opinion was even lower."
Can a Half-Elf have Drow Ancestry? - Role-playing Games Stack …
2017年12月18日 · Yes, a half-elf could be half-drow. Drow and humans can have children, and the resulting children are half-drow. In previous editions, half-drow were a bit mechanically different to normal half-elves, as they had a different set of racial traits based on their drow parentage; in 5e, however, they seem to be much closer.
Drow, poison, and the lack thereof - Role-playing Games Stack …
2015年9月8日 · Page 126 : "Elves - Drow" In particular, read the paragraph "Poison Predilection" Basic drow have poison on their crossbow bolts, higher challenge rating drow also have poison damage with their sword attacks. They use poison all around, and this poison is capable of inducing paralysis rather than sleep.
Are Valenar elves and Aereni elves different races of elves?
2019年6月27日 · In detail, non-drow elves fled the continent of Xen’drik sometime just prior to that continent’s destruction by the dragons. They landed on a large island they named Aerenal, or “Aeren’s Rest,” after the prophet, Aeren, who led them there. So all elves in Eberron are either drow, who stayed on Xen’drik, or not-drow, who left.