lawyer, attorney, counselor and advocate - WordReference Forums
2011年3月23日 · An attorney-at-law appeared in the courts of law on behalf of a client, and a counselor-in-equity appeared in the courts of equity on behalf of a client. Since in most (or all) common law (anglosajón) jurisdictions the courts of law and the courts of equity have been merged, the distinction between attorney and counselor has disappeared.
Lawyer, attorney, solicitor, barrister | WordReference Forums
2006年2月1日 · A barrister in AE is the same as a lawyer, without the distinction between the office-dwelling type and the ones who operate in a courtroom. It's a little quaint, not really used much. When we want to specify the kind of lawyer the Brits call a barrister, we use "advocate" or "counselor," or more often simply "trial lawyer."
lawyer Vs attorney - WordReference Forums
2008年6月7日 · Yet this distinction between lawyer and attorney is rarely, if ever observed in practice" (Garner 501). The words counsel/counselor exist to mean "'one who gives (legal) advice'" (501). An attorney can also be anyone with legal "power of attorney" as by material or verbal contract.
lawyer, barrister, solicitor, attorney | WordReference Forums
2007年5月18日 · Lawyer, barrister, attorney are all the same thing. Lawyer and attorney are the most common in the U.S. Solicitor, in the U.S. normally means salesman but can mean lawyer. Aimee123
abogado = lawyer/attorney - WordReference Forums
2005年10月9日 · Besides the difference pointed out in that link, which is very interesting the most important difference for a translator is that UK customers don't generally like the word "attorney'. They use "lawyer", of which they have two subcategories, barristers (lawyers who represent clients in court) and solicitors (sometmes licensed to represent ...
a reply to " Which do you think is more powerful between lawyer …
2016年6月1日 · Hello,teachers. I have a question. Which would be a correct answer to the question "Which do you think is more powerful between lawyer or attorney?" -> I think [(a) lawyer/ (b) a lawyer / (c) lawyers (d) the lawyer] is more powerful. I don't konw which is correct. Please teach me. Thank you...
Abogado/Licenciado/Notario - WordReference Forums
2007年10月25日 · I'll try to shed some light on this subject, explaining it only from a Spanish point of view. Once I finish my degree in law, I can entitle myself as a Licenciado en Derecho, afterwards I can opt for the following: work for private companies in many of the domains where my services might be valued, join the "Colegio de abogados", (no exam needed, just an …
Trial lawyer vs. defense lawyer - WordReference Forums
2007年3月28日 · Could you please explain the difference between the two? I found these explanations in The Free Dictionary by Farlex: Trial lawyer - lawyer who specializes in defending clients before a court of law. Defense lawyer - lawyer representing the defendant. Thanks.
Lawyer and Solicitor - WordReference Forums
2014年12月15日 · If you enter "lawyer solicitor" in the text/search box at the top of the page, you will see that we've discussed this before and will be rewarded with links to the existing discussions. One such discussion is : Lawyer,attorney,solicitor, barrister...
State Attorney, District Attorney, Attorney General
2009年9月11日 · State Attorney: Fiscal del Estado, involucrado con cuestiones exclusivamente de índole criminal, a diferencia del Procurador General, cuyo campo de acción es más amplio. District Attorney: En mi opinión, es aquel al que se le denomina "Agente del Ministerio Público".