Denali's Historic Headquarters - U.S. National Park Service
仅显示来自 的搜索结果Denali Park Headquarters His…
The Park Headquarters Historic District in Denali National Park and Preserve, …
Figure 60: Building 107, South Elevation, Historic American Building Survey, …
Denali Park Headquarters Historic District - U.S.
2020年10月27日 · The Park Headquarters Historic District in Denali National Park and Preserve, Alaska, includes cultural features consisting of buildings, roads, paths, parking areas, and the surrounding natural environment.
Mount McKinley National Park Headquarters District - Wikipedia
Category:Buildings and structures in Denali National Park and …
Denali National Park and Preserve - Wikipedia
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Park Headquarters District – Denali National Park AK
The Denali National Park headquarters district is the administrative center of the park. As the hub of park management, the headquarters district includes park offices, maintenance operations and staff residences. The National Park …
Former superintendent’s office is one of oldest …
Built in 1926, the superintendent’s cabin at Denali National Park and Preserve is the oldest Park Service-built cabin in the park. The Sanctuary River Patrol Cabin is the same age, but it was built by the Alaska Road Commission.
Denali National Park and Preserve - SAH ARCHIPEDIA
Buildings and structures in Denali National Park and Preserve