Blood Red Parrot Cichlid Fish, a Hybrid Cichlid - FishLore
The Blood Red Parrot cichlid is an odd ball man made Hybrid that has stirred quite a bit of controversy in the fish world but has gained a huge popularity with many. Whether you approve of hybrid fish or not, these wonderful Blood Red Parrot Cichlids are here to stay.
Blood parrot turning pale... | Cichlid Forum - FishLore Aquarium …
2019年12月24日 · HI all! So some of you likely know I have a blood parrot cichlid in my 130 gallon aquarium along with some Oscars, feather fin catfish, and a few others. The tank is a bit overstocked but I do frequesnt water changes and don’t see much aggression. Most of the fish in there are pretty large and my blood parrot is 8” and turning two years old ...
Blood parrots and angelfish | Parrot Cichlid Forum
2011年6月18日 · I have moved your thread to the Hybrid Fish/Parrot Cichlid section of the forum. Good info above from AleyskaGirl. My largest Bloody Parrot is currently 10" x 7". Two small ones would do well in a 55 gallon for a year or more, but I would consider an upgrade in …
Red Blood Parrot turning white | Parrot Cichlid Forum
2011年1月17日 · A true Bloody Parrot is Orange. If you actually had a red one and it was dyed, the dye will fade and the fish will eventually be Orange. Check out the video in my profile.
Hiding Places for Bloody Parrots | Parrot Cichlid Forum
2013年4月3日 · I thought this was about parrots as well. If anyone's interested, my parrots fit quite nicely into the largest one.
Blood red Parrot and Convicts? | Convict Cichlid Forum
2014年12月26日 · Wondering if a Convict would fit into my 55G tank with my Blood red parrot. Right now he is in the tank with a pleco (4-5" long) and a few cory cats so lots of room for others. From what I have read 2 might get aggressive so thinking just the one.
Blood Parrot Aggression? | Parrot Cichlid Forum - FishLore …
2018年1月21日 · Well what you saw is, what is called "Cichlid Blame game" Blood parrot males being sterile, often bully the female after eggs turn (white) and eaten. If there are 3 blood parrots in the tank with MFF configuration, you will see, the male will immediately pair with the other female and the female that laid and lost eggs will be attacked by the ...
Blood Parrot compatibility | Parrot Cichlid Forum - FishLore …
2010年9月4日 · A Red Devil would slaughter a Jack Dempsey. About the only Cichlid I would back a Devil not to beat in a scrap would be a Buttikoferi. A 55gal would be fine for a single Green Terror, a couple of Firemouths, or couple of Blood Parrots. I personally wouldn't keep an Oscar or Devil in a 55gal.
Parrot Cichlid Turning Black!!! - FishLore Aquarium Forum
2010年6月13日 · Blood Parrot cichlids are the only fish that can get Black spot disease. This disease is very common BPs and appears as black spots on the fish. This is not normal or healthy and you should never buy Blood parrot cichlids that have this appearance. This disease can be a result of poor water quality and effected fish will get better if you ...
Is my blood parrot sick? | Parrot Cichlid Forum - FishLore …
2011年10月6日 · I feed the tank twice a day, it varies from fresh thawed blood fish, or a parrot fish pellet, or a vegtable substitute to mix it up. My angel fish usally clean up the leftovernfood. My blood parrot eats about 1-3 pellets, or half a block of bloodworms. I had to turn off the light today when feeding to lure her just into eating before the food ...