Apple II - Wikipedia
Apple II ("apple two ") is a series of microcomputers manufactured by Apple Computer, Inc. from 1977 to 1993. The first Apple II model, that gave the series its name, was designed by Steve Wozniak, and was first sold on June 10, 1977. [2] .
Apple II - 维基百科,自由的百科全书
Apple II有彩色、高分辨率的图形显示模式,音效功能与两种基于BASIC的内置编程语言-Applesoft与Integer与其他微电脑相比,这些功能被完善记载且易于学习。Apple II开启了个人电脑革命,因为它面向大众,而不仅仅是科技狂人與工程师。其上市发表与后来的普及更 ...
Apple II (original) - Wikipedia
The Apple II (stylized as apple ][) is a personal computer released by Apple Inc. in June 1977. It was one of the first successful mass-produced microcomputer products and is widely regarded as one of the most important personal computers of all time due to its role in popularizing home computing and influencing later software development.
19 questions you might be asking after seeing 'Steve Jobs'
Steve Wozniak (Seth Rogen) co-founded Apple with Jobs in a garage in 1976. He designed the Apple I and Apple II. By the time of the events portrayed in the movie, Wozniak had largely moved on...
Steve Jobs, The Movie: 11 Things That Aren't True About The Apple …
2015年10月9日 · Talk about a one-dimensional character: Woz shows up in every act, begging for the same thing–he wants Jobs to publicly acknowledge the Apple II team, the one Woz led and that Jobs slighted.
Did Steve Jobs ever thank the Apple II team?
2016年6月1日 · In the 2015 film Steve Jobs, a running story throughout the movie has Seth Rogen's character Steve Wozniak asking Steve Jobs to publicly thank the Apple II team for their work. At the end of the film they have a full blown argument about this before the iMac launch, but the movie ends before we actually see the launch itself.
From Steve Jobs’ Life: Surround Yourself With “A Players”
2012年7月11日 · In the early 1980s, Jobs recruited people by dramatically unvailing the MacIntosh, and seeing how interviewees responded to the designs. He even unplugged an engineers computer named Andy Hurtsfeld (while he was coding), and forced him over to Macintosh from the Apple II team because Jobs recognized Hurtsfeld’s A Player status.
Apple II - 维基百科,自由的百科全书 - zh.wikipedia.org
1977年的Apple II,搭载集成式键盘、彩色显示、音效、塑料机箱与8个扩充槽。 Apple II 是 苹果公司 制作的第一种普及的 微型电脑。 它的直系先祖是 Apple I ——一种有限的、以 印刷电路板 组成的电脑。 许多电子玩家基于此电脑创新了许多功能,使Apple II达到 商业 上的成功。 自1977年于 西岸电脑展 (West Coast Computer Faire)首次发布后,Apple II成为一种成功的 个人电脑。 几种不同的机型先后上市贩售,而最普及的机型一直到1990年代都只有不大的改变。 直至1993 …
Apple II Explained: Everything You Need To Know
2024年12月6日 · Introduced to the world in 1977, the history of the Apple II is synonymous with Apple’s growth, success, and, ultimately, some of the troubles it dealt with early on in its history. A line of computers that essentially lived on until 1993, the Apple II may be one of the most important computers in the company’s history.
Apple II | Apple Wiki - Fandom
The Apple II, stylized as apple ][, was an early 8-bit personal computer produced by Apple Computer. It was introduced on April 16, 1977 at the first West Coast Computer Faire in San Francisco as the successor to the Apple I, but complete in a molded plastic case. It began shipping about two...
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