RCT3 Aladdin The Movie - YouTube
2009年5月2日 · A RCT3 ride based off the classic disney movie, Aladdin... travel through the entire movie of Aladdin. Ride follows exact story line of the movie
Aladdin:The Ride (RCT3) - YouTube
2008年3月23日 · Aladdin: The Ride (RCT3)... UPDATE!! Making A New version To Be Released Before 2015. RCT3 Ride In My Disney Based Theme Park "Jade Gardens"
RCT3 - Aladdin - YouTube
2010年2月26日 · Please Comment and Rate about how you feel about this video. once again I have the site for custom scenery ( http://www.rct-theme-world.de/rct-liste/complete...
My 5th RCT3 ride... - Fictional Disneyland Australia - Facebook
My 5th RCT3 ride "Aladdin's Escape from the Cave of Wonders" is almost done and should be up later today. In the meantime, you can watch the video of the walkthrough that would be before and after...
Custom Rides & Stalls - RCTgo
2017年4月21日 · In RCT3 we have CTR's(Custom Track Ride) which is a custom coaster style you can download, and we have CFR's(Custom Flat Ride) In the Roller Coaster enthusiast world carnival style rides are called flat rides.
Aladdins Flight - Downloads - RCTgo
2012年7月7日 · Aladdin's Flight. an Indoor Stand-Up Roller Coaster. Intensity: 5 or 6 depending on your park.
rct系列哪些好看 - 百度知道
2024年9月27日 · RCT3 是一款非常受欢迎的模拟经营游戏。 这一作在继承前作的基础上,增加了更多的现代化设施和多样化的游乐项目。 游戏画面精美,过山车等游乐设施的设计富有创意,给玩家带来了极大的视觉享受。 同时,游戏玩法丰富,玩家需要巧妙运用策略,才能吸引更多的游客。 RCT乐园世界 是RCT系列的又一力作。 这款游戏将玩家带入一个充满欢乐的乐园世界,玩家可以体验到建设和管理大型游乐园的乐趣。 游戏提供了丰富的设施和任务,玩家需要合理规划乐 …
Aladdin - Downloads - RCTgo
Requires RCT3: Soaked! and RCT3: Wild! 1 screenshot 0 comments 3 likes. This is a standup coaster named Aladdin I made it for you guys to decide if you like it or not.Hope you enjoy,It is called Aladdin because it is in the theme of Arabian and the coaster is a flying carpet.Well now it's up to you to decide yes or no.Hope you like it : ) E:7.08
Aladdin the Ride - Planet Coaster - YouTube
This is Aladdin the Ride. The adventure starts in the city of Agrabah and takes you through famous scenes from the Disney movie. Visit the palace, escape the...
GitHub - open-rct3/open-rct3: An open source re …
An open source re-implementation of RollerCoaster Tycoon 3. See the wiki for a more comprehensive roadmap. This is a volunteer-driven project. Please temper your expectations …