homework and exercises - Spectral Line Width and Uncertainty …
Spectral Line Width and Uncertainty principle. Ask Question Asked 14 years, 2 months ago. Modified 14 ...
Understanding spectral line of hyperfine transition
Its penetrative power through the ISM is quite similar to X-rays. Because the radiative transition has a long lifetime, the spectral line emission is also extremely narrow, making it a brilliant diagnostic of motion. Emission is usually seen from clouds of cold, neutral hydrogen gas.
Full Width Half Maximum (FWHM) of a transmission spectrum
The Full Width Half Maximum (as defined by John Rennie's answer) can have the following physical meanings:. For a Lorentzian lineshape spectrum, it is proportional to the square magnitude of the strength of the coupling between electromagnetic field and the atomic transition begetting the spectrum in the first place;
spectroscopy - Does each spectral line of an atom/molecule have …
2022年6月8日 · A spectral line is determined by a particular transition in an atom or molecule. In reality, this line isn't infinitely sharp, but has a small distribution about the resonance frequency as a result of a few things. This distribution will have a …
astrophysics - How do spectral lines block a black body curve ...
2025年2月9日 · If you had the situation of a cold gas being illuminated from behind by a Planck radiation spectrum, then the spectrum emerging on the other side would be (in your notation) $$ f(\lambda) = I(\lambda) \exp[-\tau(\lambda)]\ , $$ where $\tau(\lambda)$ is the wavelength-dependent optical depth of the material, which in turn is given by $$\tau(\lambda) = \int …
laser spectral width vs. linewidth - Physics Stack Exchange
2011年12月1日 · The spectral width is the width at -20dB down from peak of the wavelength spectrum of the laser. I am looking at some laser data right now that is saying that laser x has 10 kHz linewidth and 60 pm spectral width. You can convert spectral width from frequency to wavelength as in this article and I have done that calculation. By that calculation ...
Why do lines become weaker in intensity as wavelength decreases?
2021年7月8日 · The intensity of spectral lines decreases as you move up the energy scale (or frequency scale) because there are fewer and fewer excited hydrogen atoms at high energies that decay directly to the ground state. There are other details as …
Atomic natural line width - Physics Stack Exchange
2015年9月30日 · One is the spread of the spectral line and the other is the lifetime of the atom in excited state. Well, these two are related(as you guessed) by uncertainty principle. $\Delta E\,\Delta t = h/4\pi$. So if the time the atom spends in excited state is less, the energy spread will be more and vice versa.
Why are line spectra only seen in gases? - Physics Stack Exchange
2018年1月28日 · It's a good question, it's not stupid. Actually, this phenomena can be observed with liquids and solids as well. Each element has its own distinct spectral line and this fact can and has been used to identify an element. However, it is much more difficult to observe the spectral lines of liquids and solids due to how close together the atoms are.
What is the meaning of natural line broadening?
This means the absorption line is broader than the case of just a single frequency getting absorbed. This is where the term "line broadening" comes from - it is the phenomenon of an absorption curve getting broader (meaning more and more frequencies are able to get absorbed by an electron or emitted by one).