Xenolith - Wikipedia
A xenolith ("foreign rock") is a rock fragment (country rock) that becomes enveloped in a larger rock during the latter's development and solidification. In geology, the term xenolith is almost exclusively used to describe inclusions in igneous rock entrained during magma ascent, emplacement and eruption. [1] .
捕虏体 - 百度百科
捕虏体(xenolith),是 岩浆 在侵入作用过程中所捕获的 围岩 碎块。 其形状和大小不一;由于在围岩崩落时发生移动,其构造方向与围岩整体的构造方向常不一致;围岩崩落于岩浆中,大部分都被岩浆 熔化 及交代,因此,只有少数在岩体边缘还可残存,多分布于 火成岩 的边缘部分。 根据岩性不同可分为长英质岩类的捕虏体和超镁 铁质岩 捕虏体。 长英质岩捕虏体分为浅源捕虏体(epixenolith)和深源捕虏体(hypoxenolith)两大亚类。 超镁铁质岩捕虏体(ultramafic …
Xenolith - Education | National Geographic Society
2024年4月24日 · Xenoliths are different types of rock embedded in igneous rock. Xenoliths are torn from deep cracks, or pipes, in Earth's surface. Magma rises to Earth's surface through these pipes between Earth's crust and mantle. As the molten material rises, it tears off bits and pieces of the magma pipe in which it is traveling. These bits and pieces ...
Igneous Rocks, Magma Chambers & Intrusions - Britannica
xenolith, rock fragment within an intrusive igneous body that is unrelated to the igneous body itself. Xenoliths, which represent pieces of older rock incorporated into the magma while it was still fluid, may be located near their original positions of detachment or may have settled deep into the intrusion, if their density is greater.
Transport and eruption of mantle xenoliths creates a lagging …
2023年5月24日 · Crustal and mantle xenoliths—foreign rock fragments incorporated into magmas—are a common occurrence within volcanic deposits spanning a wide range of magma compositions and eruption styles.
What Are Xenoliths and How Are They Important - Geology Base
2023年12月7日 · Xenoliths are foreign rock pieces or fragments trapped in an igneous rock body (host). However, a broader definition will include foreign rocks trapped in sedimentary rocks or meteorites. They are foreign rocks because they were incorporated into fluid melt or magma bodies. Therefore, these alien fragments existed at the time of incorporation.
Xenolith - an overview | ScienceDirect Topics
Xenoliths that originated beneath thin, young continents are derived from above 150 km and are typically ~63% olivine, ~21% orthopyroxene, and ~16% garnet + clinopyroxene, and therefore are richer in Ca and Al. Many western U.S. xenoliths have been dated at 1.7 Ga.
Some basaltic magmas are extruded on the Earth’s surface carrying pieces of the mantle, called mantle xenoliths. These xenoliths make it possible to estimate how rapidly these magmas ascended from depth to the surface, because the upward flow of magma must exceed the settling velocity of the xenoliths.
Roles of xenomelts, xenoliths, xenocrysts, xenovolatiles, residues, and ...
2017年11月1日 · Xenoliths, xenocrysts, xenomelts, and xenovolatiles play active roles in ore genesis. Xenoliths influence the bulk density and viscosity of the magma and therefore sulfide transport. Some chromite represents upgraded Fe ± Ti oxide xenocrysts.
Xenolith - SpringerLink
Still others are composed of crystals precipitated from a cooling magma or residual crystals left after partial melting and extraction of a liquid. All these types may be caught up by a rising magma and brought to the surface in lava flows or shallow intrusions. A wide variety of xenoliths may be found in the same host .
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