Search your Surname and find its meaning - FamilySearch
Enter your surname and begin learning its origins, your potential family lineage, and where your ancestors most likely came from. Find out more today.
Tunkl Name Meaning and Tunkl Family History at FamilySearch
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Valjentka Name Meaning and Valjentka Family History at
Explore historical collections, such as birth records, death certificates, immigration data, and more about the Valjentka family.
Salkeld Name Meaning and Salkeld Family History at FamilySearch
English (northern): habitational name from Salkeld (Cumberland), probably from Old English salh ‘willow, sallow’ + hylte ‘wood’, though the final element may have been confused with Old Norse kelda ‘spring, marshy place’. Alternatively, the final element may be an Old English hilde, a variant of helde ‘slope’. This surname has been present (though never common) in Ireland for ...
Horst Name Meaning and Horst Family History at FamilySearch
History: As a name of German origin (see 1 above) the surname Horst is established among the American Mennonites. Their progenitors were the brothers Joseph, Michael, and Peter Horst, who came to PA in 1731 together with their widowed mother.
What is a last name? - FamilySearch
Within English-speaking countries, a child is typically given the surname of the father. Other traditions use the surname inherited by the mother from her father, and still others use a combination of the parents’ surnames.
Dilullo Name Meaning and Dilullo Family History at FamilySearch
Some characteristic forenames: Italian Angelo, Domenic, Ugo, Amerigo, Carmine, Ciro, Domenico, Donato, Enrico, Ettore, Ireneo, Luciano.
Kimmel Name Meaning and Kimmel Family History at FamilySearch
German, Jewish (Ashkenazic), and Dutch: from Middle High German kumin, German Kümmel ‘caraway’ (related to Latin cuminum, a word of Oriental origin, like the plant itself), hence a metonymic occupational name for a spicer, literally a supplier of caraway seeds.. English (London): variant of Kemble and Kimble .
Gusev Name Meaning and Gusev Family History at FamilySearch
The surname is spread throughout Russia and particularly common in the Novgorod, Yaroslavl, Novosibirsk and Moscow regions. Gusev surname representatives also live in the CIS states (Ukraine, Belarus, Kazakhstan, Uzbekistan, etc. ), in the Baltic states, Germany and the USA.
Sirota Name Meaning and Sirota Family History at FamilySearch
Some characteristic forenames: Jewish Golda, Reuven, Aharon, Ahron, Aron, Esfir, Hyman, Isadore, Itzchak, Izhak. Russian Mikhail, Vladimir, Boris, Fedor, Leonid ...