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临床试验中多中心的定义与解读 - cntrial.com
2016年10月14日 · A multicenter research trial is a clinical trial conducted at more than one medical center or clinic. 即其认为只要参与临床试验的临床中心或诊所数量超过1个,这个试验就是多中心的。
MULTICENTRE中文(简体)翻译:剑桥词典 - Cambridge Dictionary
临床试验的相关概念 - 知乎 - 知乎专栏
多中心试验 (Multicenter Trial):指由一个单位 的主要研究者总负责,多个单位的研究者合作,按同一个试验方案同时进行的临床试验。 通常情况下,多中心试验的每个研究单位由一名研究者负责。
Multicenter Studies: Relevance, Design and Implementation
2022年1月5日 · This manuscript summarizes the design, organization, implementation and governance aspects of multicenter studies. Multicenter studies are essential in clinical and public health research with several advantages compared to single-center studies.
multicenter - 百度百科
We performed a double-blind, multicenter study, comparing MMX mesalamine vs placebo for the treatment of active ulcerative colitis.我们进行了一项双盲,多中心研究,比较了美沙美拉明与美沙酮对安慰剂治疗活动性溃疡性结肠炎的疗效。
Multicenter Studies: Relevance, Design and Implementation
2022年7月15日 · Multicenter studies are essential in clinical and public health research with several advantages compared to single-center studies. Multicenter studies are attractive and advantageous, allowing quicker recruitment, diverse population coverage and …
Multicenter trial - Wikipedia
A multicenter research trial is a clinical trial that involves more than one independent medical institutions in enrolling and following trial participants. [1] In multicenter trials the participant institutions follow a common treatment protocol and follow the same data collection guidelines, and there is a single coordinating center that ...
什么是多中心研究?_地点_数据_机构 - 搜狐
2023年11月15日 · 多中心研究(Multicenter Study)是一种在多个地点或机构同时进行的研究,旨在收集更广泛、更全面的数据,以提高研究的外部有效性和普适性。 与单中心研究相对,多中心研究可以涵盖不同地区、不同种群和不同医疗机构,从而更好地代表目标人群的多样性。
Conducting multicenter research in healthcare simulation: …
Multicenter research confers many distinct advantages over single-center studies, including larger sample sizes for more generalizable findings, sharing resources amongst collaborative sites, and promoting networking. Well-executed multicenter studies are more likely to improve provider performance and/or have a positive impact on patient outcomes.