Can i become emancipated as an adult? - Legal Answers - Avvo.com
2012年5月3日 · Once you are legally an adult, emancipation is not an option for you. But, as far as I know, you do not have a legal responsibility toward your parents or to deal with their debts (unless you are a co-signer).
Legal advice on Emancipation of minors in Oklahoma
2016年6月29日 · Learn about Emancipation of minors on Oklahoma today. Quickly find answers to your Emancipation of minors questions with the help of a local lawyer.
Legal advice on Emancipation of minors in Wisconsin
2016年7月7日 · Learn about Emancipation of minors on Wisconsin today. Quickly find answers to your Emancipation of minors questions with the help of a local lawyer.
If emancipated, does child support arrears go away or am I still be ...
2015年1月25日 · Once your child is emancipated your payments will continue at the same rate until the arrears are fully paid unless the parent to whom they are owed forgives them. If your child is still in high school, or the child is 18 or over and enrolled in at least 12 credit hours of college or similar post high school education, you will likely NOT ...
Do I need a lawyer to get emancipated? - Legal Answers - Avvo.com
2015年1月5日 · To be emancipated you must be at least 16 years old, self supporting and managing your own financial affairs. Your petition must be verified by parent, managing conservator or guardian. The court must appoint an attorney ad Litem for you or an amicus attorney. Please talk to a family law attorney where you live.
I am 16 can I get emancipated in the state of Colorado at this age …
2013年11月12日 · You will likely still have to wait. You have to be totally self-sufficient in order to become emancipated in CO. As a former judge in CO, I was very reluctant to allow a child to become emancipated in CO unless they were the victim of child abuse or child neglect and that you had your own place, own job, and were totally self-sufficient.
Can I get Emancipated in the state of Florida without parental …
2011年7月11日 · He is agressive and drinks heavily. When my mother died she left in her will that my sister take custody of me. My cousin is next in line. i do not wish to live nor be invovled with my family. I am capable of taking care of myself. Is there any way I can get emancipated without my sister's consent giving the tragic circumstances?
I am 19 years old. Can I be emancipated from his parents for …
2013年6月11日 · You cannot be emancipated because you are already over 18. The good news is that you do not need to be emancipated and do not need to go through a legal process. What you need is called a "dependency status override"--it …
What are the pros and cons of getting emancipated at the age of …
2018年8月30日 · Once you become emancipated you would lose that coverage and need to have your own. It would out a different kind of stress on you to become totally self supporting. It would slap increase the likelihood that you would not be able to pursue a college education and without that you probably won't be able to get a better job.
Are my reasons to get emancipated good enough? - Legal …
2015年10月20日 · I have been wanting to get emancipated for over a year now. My parents are always yelling at me. My mom doesn't want me to live with her and my dad can't support me. Also living with my mom has caused me to become extremely depressed. I don't know if these reasons are good enough for a judge. What do you think?