The theories of Nanosyntax (cf. Baunaz and Lander this volume) and Distributed Morphology (cf. Harley and Noyer 1999, Embick and Noyer 2003, Bobaljik 2015) provide each a particular theory of how to get from the basic building blocks of language to complex sentences.
Nanosyntax - Wikipedia
Distributed Morphology provides an alternative to Lexicalist approaches to how the lexicon and syntax interact, that is, with words independently created in the lexicon and then organized using syntax. In Distributed Morphology, the lexicon does not function independently and is instead distributed across many linguistic processes. [7]
纳米句法:生成语法研究的新范式 - 豆瓣
2020年6月1日 · 该理论模型针对肇端于20世纪90年代末期的句法制图理论(cartography)进行了较为激进的拓展与延伸,为句法—形态接口方面的研究提供了坚实的理论基础和全新的技术支持。 作为制图理论的直接衍生性理论,纳米句法将“特征和中心语之间的一一对应”作为其理论基础,旨在为句法结构的极简特征及其功能性中心语的本质属性提供科学的理论解释。 该理论模型对自然语言的形态—句法结构进行了极其精细的分解与表征,为生成语法研究提供了全新的理论工具和 …
Notes on Insertion in Distributed Morphology and Nanosyntax
2018年6月1日 · Distributed Morphology (DM) projects its syntactic structures from complex objects that correspond to prepackaged feature structures (bundles) taken directly out of the presyntactic lexicon. The main architectural claim of nanosyntax is opposed to this; the idea is that the only component of grammar capable of constructing complex feature ...
Distributed Morphology: - University of Pennsylvania
Distributed Morphology (DM) is a theory of the architecture of grammar first proposed in the early 1990s at MIT by Morris Halle, Alec Marantz and their students and colleagues including Eulalia Bonet, Rolf Noyer, Jim Harris, Heidi Harley, Andrea Calabrese, David Embick and others.
Nanosyntax: The Basics | Exploring Nanosyntax - Oxford Academic
2018年6月21日 · It discusses the foundations on which nanosyntax was conceived, such as the “one feature–one head” maxim and the universal functional sequence (fseq). It also provides a brief comparison of theoretical and terminological issues in nanosyntax vs. the competing framework of Distributed Morphology.
Nanosyntax : some key features - Semantic Scholar
Nanosyntax (Nano, Starke 2002, 2009; Caha 2009) is a theory of morphosyntax whose central tenets overlap to some extent with those proposed in Distributed Morphology (DM, Halle and Marantz 1993, 1994). For instance, DM’s famous dictum of ‘syntax all the way down’ is something that Nanosyntax would subscribe to just as much as DM.
Exploring Nanosyntax - Oxford Academic
2018年6月1日 · First, it presents the framework’s constitutive tools and principles and explains how nanosyntax relates to cartography and to Distributed Morphology. Second, the volume illustrates how nanosyntactic tools and principles can be applied within a range of empirical domains of natural language.
Notes on insertion in distributed morphology and nanosyntax
2018年1月1日 · What is actually the difference between Nanosyntax (NS, Starke, 2009) and Distributed Morphology (DM, Halle and Marantz, 1993)? And which one of them is right? These questions remain as...
Nanosyntax: the basics - UZH
It also provides a brief comparison of theoretical and terminological issues in nanosyntax vs. the competing framework of Distributed Morphology. It is seen that the syntactic component according to nanosyntax unifies aspects of (what are traditionally called) syntax, morphology, and …