约 196,000 个结果
What is the short form for 'little' ? Is it li'l or lil'?
word choice - "A bit" vs. "a little bit" vs. "a little" - English ...
Difference between "little" and "small" - English Language
Comparative and Superlative for little? - English Language
How do I abbreviate "little" correctly? - English Language & Usage ...
meaning - What is difference between "a tad," "a bit," "a little?" …
single word requests - "Small question" or "little question"?
What do we call the “rd” in “3ʳᵈ” and the “th” in “9ᵗʰ”?
etymology - Where did the expression 'playing the world's …
What is the meaning of "Many a mickle makes a muckle"?