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Zhongguancun - Wikipedia
Zhongguancun (Chinese: 中关村) is a major technology hub in the Haidian District, Beijing, China.
Zhongguancun occupies a band between the northwestern Third Ring Road and the northwestern Fourth Ring Road in the northwestern part of Beijing. Zhongguancun is sometimes known as China's Silicon Valley. The place is als…Wikipedia · CC-BY-SA 许可下的文字- 预计阅读时间:6 分钟
What the West Doesn’t Know About China’s Silicon Valley
2023年1月9日 · Novelist Ning Ken’s history of Beijing’s Zhongguancun district shows how two generations of professors and tech entrepreneurs helped make the country more open.
Zhongguancun Science Park
Established in 1988, Zhongguancun Science Park(Also known as Z-Park)is China’s first national high-tech park and the first national inovation demonstration zone. After around four decades of efforts,it has become a pacesetter of …
Zhongguancun: China’s Silicon Valley, Hi-tech Center …
Zhongguancun Hi-tech Zone is sometimes called “China’s Silicon Valley”. It locates at the northwest of Beijing, in Haidian District. Around Zhongguancun, Peking University and Tsinghua University export capital of information and …
中关村 - 维基百科,自由的百科全书
中关村黄金地段:中关村广场周边 海淀黄庄北行人天桥及中关村标志性雕塑《生命》 中关村科技园全景 中关村科技园区 中关村广场夜景 商务区夜景. 中关村科技园区,又称中关村国家自主 …
The History of Zhongguancun: Building a Park and Establishing a ...
The Zhongguancun area was formerly an old river way for the Yongding River, which was known to Beijing residents as “Zhong Wan er (or Middle Bay).” As early as the Ming Dynasty, the …
中关村科技园 - 百度百科
中关村科技园(Zhongguancun Science Park),起源于20世纪80年代初的“中关村电子一条街”,是中国第一个国家级高新技术产业开发区、第一个国家自主创新示范区、第一个国家级人才特区,也是京津石高新技术产业带的核心园区。
中關村 - 維基百科,自由的百科全書
中關村黃金地段:中關村廣場周邊 海淀黃莊北行人天橋及中關村標誌性雕塑《生命》 中關村科技園全景 中關村科技園區 中關村廣場夜景 商務區夜景. 中關村科技園區,又稱中關村國家自主 …
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