single word requests - "Co-worker" equivalent for "volunteer ...
2021年2月15日 · The field, "relationship to reference," made me realize that I didn't know of and couldn't find a term that is similar to a "worker's co-worker." Since I couldn't find validation for the term "co-volunteer," I needed to ask this question. Note: If this is a duplicate or posted in the wrong place, please point me in the right direction. I was ...
What is another term for co-worker but for someone ranked higher?
2019年11月18日 · A fellow worker or professional. Therefore, colleague is appropriate as it may be used to describe nearly everyone within your professional circles, and it allows for that person to be of a different rank than your own. Associate is a synonym that comes to mind, but I would be wary of using that word. Associate can denote someone of lesser than ...
Help with understanding Apostrophe for worker's or workers'
2019年10月18日 · 2 is correct. The democracy is that of multiple workers, so workers is plural. Because of that, the apostrophe applies to the plural form and is therefore after the s.
What is the word for a person who does different jobs?
2014年4月12日 · Depending on context, consider "gofer,' "handyman," and "versatile/all-around worker." gofer (or gopher): a person whose job is to do various small and usually boring jobs for other people. handyman: a man employed to do various tasks (Collins English Dictionary -- Complete and unabridged, Ed. 2003).
Word to call a person that works in a store
2013年10月7日 · 2.b. employee, worker. This is often used in conjunction with a modifier to make it more specific, such as: Sales Associate, Retail Associate, etc. but is frequently used by itself as well. "I'm waiting for an associate to check the storeroom for my size."
Word for "person that I supervise" - English Language & Usage …
2012年12月15日 · Other options I can think of are apprentice (usually used to refer exclusively to someone who is still learning where I come from), underling (patronizing), and worker (again not specific). For example when describing a project: My employee designed the front-end of the system while I worked on the critical business logic.
Word for "someone who does the same job as me"
coworker, fellow worker, workmate, teammate, associate, partner, collaborator, ally, confederate. None of these really work in the sense you're looking for, something that means "in exactly the same job" as you.
terminology - What's the term for "government worker"? - English ...
2016年10月6日 · This could be used for anyone from a postal worker to the president, though there are some jobs I am not used to it being associated with, military members being one class. According to Wikipedia these terms only officially refer to national government employees, but I believe colloquial use is much broader.
A word for people who work under a manager
2015年10月6日 · I'm looking for a word to fit the sentence: Was it ethical for Bernie, the manager, to quit without informing his ____? Here are some of the words I've tried and why I don't think they quite w...
Is there a word/phrase to describe someone who works from home?
2015年11月7日 · "Remote and stay-at-home" worker or "Remote worker" could be considered. In the linked article, the writer used "remote and stay-at-home workers" first and continued with "remote workers". Ther verb "to work remotely" is braodly used to mean "to work away from his employer workplace". The link clearly defines what "remote work" is.