The 25 Best US Navy war movies
2007年10月17日 · There’s an underlying sense of war’s tragic toll throughout; comrades-in-arms don’t make it back; wartime romances don’t receive Hollywood happy endings. And Navy movies don’t come much better than this. TASK FORCE (1949)—The history of naval aviation is embodied here in the reminiscences of a fictional admiral played by Gary Cooper.
OK_Coral (HCWW BS) - WestPac - HarpGamer
2009年10月24日 · The gun fight at OK coral atoll. (Its in the west (west pacific), but no Wild Bill Hickock). A small scenario for anyone that is hesitant in diving into the world of WWII naval gunnery. Being small it gives an idea of what is happenning and how you might manage your assets. Uses Brad's HCWW 90925...
The HCWW Database: HCE for WWII - HarpGamer
2009年8月21日 · A Huff/Duff fixed installation, a simple site with a ESM flag ? In my own WWII DB I named it "HF D/F Shore Station (12/1941)", type AD mobile, subtype MISC, 9 lenght, 30 t. displacement, 5 damage points, flag ESM, 0 knots speed, Mast height Large ship, detect size small, RCS 99, Victory type: Intelligence, mounts: 4 x 12.7mm MG Vickers Quad, and names from HF D/F Shore Station 01 to HF D/F ...
WWII Strategic/Operational/Tactical ruleset - General - HarpGamer
2011年4月8日 · While perusing the Harpoon flames on Usenet I ran across a post by a gentleman sharing his large ruleset for WWII warfare. Honestly I've only read the Operational level Naval rules but they are well enough assembled and thought out and I feel confident in suggesting them as at least a curiosity t...
Tactics 101: Anti-Submarine Warfare - Part 3 - HarpGamer
2009年2月9日 · Principles of Naval Weapon Systems, Craig Payne, 2006. Not Ready for Retirement: The Sonobuoy Approaches Age 65, Holler et al., Sea Technology, November 2006. Harpoon 3 Sonar Model, AGSI, 2007. Proceedings, June 2007. ES310, Introduction to Naval Weapons Engineering. Ocean Talk, Naval Meteorology and …
A little history of SOSUS and a hint of what it is capable of
2009年4月28日 · SOSUS was a network of hydrophones emplaced on the ocean floor to detect low frequency noise sources. During WWII, the US, British, and Soviet navies installed limited capacity acoustic arrays on the ocean floor in shallow waters, primarily at the entrance to harbors. After the war, the US Navy began the development of deep ocean arrays.
Operation Praying Mantis 1988, Historical Scenario - HarpGamer
2012年1月7日 · In the context of Iran-Iraq War the Tanker War phase (1984-1988) was one of the more complex post-WWII campaigns from the naval viewpoint. Both Iran and Iraq attacked oil tankers and merchant ships, including those of neutral nations, to …
Is a WWII DB possible? - Database Design & Discussion
2007年12月15日 · With the addition of Westpac, a recreation of WWII in the Pacific would be on my wish list for HCE. What are the obstacles in creating a new database using Japanese, British and American platforms and loadouts? Is it even possible to …
File - WPac - OK_Coral (HCWW BS) - Scenario Design & Discussion …
2009年10月24日 · File Name: OK_Coral (HCWW BS) File Submitter: donaldseadog File Submitted: 24 Oct 2009 File Updated: 5 Feb 2011 File Category: WestPac DB Used: HCWW_090925 Authors: don thomas Battleset-WPac: .scq - WPac - …
File - NACV - Greenland Rush, day zero, January 20, 2025.
2025年1月19日 · View File Greenland Rush, day zero, January 20, 2025. Greenland Rush, day zero, January 20, 2025. A Harpoon Commander's Edition scenario for EC2003 Battle for the Atlantic Ocean Battleset and the HCDB2-170909 (or later) 1980-2025 era Platform Database. This scenario is designed with Advanced Scen...