Vadose zone - Wikipedia
The vadose zone (from the Latin word for "shallow"), also termed the unsaturated zone, is the part of Earth between the land surface and the top of the phreatic zone, the position at which the groundwater (the water in the soil's pores) is at atmospheric pressure.
包气带 - 维基百科,自由的百科全书
包气带(Vadose zone),或稱滲流帶,是指位于地球表面以下、潜水面以上的地质介质。 有时人们也把包气带称为 非饱和区 (unsaturated zone),但是这两个概念的含义不完全相同。
包气带 - 百度百科
包气带水分动态是指包气带中水分含量及水分剖面的增长与消退过程,包气带与外界发生水分交换就是在其上、下界面进行的。 包气带水分的增长来源于上界面的降水 (或灌溉)与下界面地下水的补给 (如果存在地下水)。 但在天然情况下,地下水的补给一般处于均衡状态,即蒸散发消耗多少,地下水就向上补给多少,因此上界面的降水是包气带水分增长的主要原因。 上界面以上的大气降水导致包气带水分增长的机理是下渗。 包气带水分的消退同样发生在它的上、下界面上。 上界面 …
Vadose water | U.S. Geological Survey - USGS.gov
2009年12月27日 · The vadose (or unsaturated) zone includes soil water, which is immediately available to the biosphere. It acts as a controlling agent in the transmission of water and other substances between various components of the earth system: aquifers, land surface, bodies of water, atmosphere, and so on.
Vadose zone | Soil Moisture, Groundwater Flow & Permeability
vadose zone, region of aeration above the water table. This zone also includes the capillary fringe above the water table, the height of which will vary according to the grain size of the sediments. In coarse-grained mediums the fringe may be flat at the top and thin, whereas in finer grained material it will tend to be higher and may be very ...
Vadose Zone - an overview | ScienceDirect Topics
The vadose zone is frequently called the unsaturated zone, and sometimes the zone of aeration, as its pore space usually contains air as well as water. The vadose zone extends from the land surface to the water table (the lowest water table if there is more than one).
Fiber-optic seismic sensing of vadose zone soil moisture dynamics
2024年8月5日 · A fiber-optic seismic sensing principle provides a spatiotemporal view of vadose zone soil moisture dynamics, offering a scalable solution for enhanced long-term, large-scale water resource ...
Vadose Zone Journal - Wiley Online Library
Vadose Zone Journal is a unique platform for interdisciplinary research on the vadose zone, a critical part of the Earth's surface extending from the soil's upper layer to the groundwater. This international, peer-reviewed journal publishes diverse content, including original research, reviews, and special sections, spanning numerous disciplines.
Vadose Definition & Meaning - Merriam-Webster
The meaning of VADOSE is of, relating to, or being water or solutions in the earth's crust above the permanent groundwater level.
Who we are? - Vadose Zone Research Group
The Vadose Zone Research Group at Texas A&M carries out research on a wide spectrum of topics related to the unsaturated zone like (but not restricted to) numerical modeling of hydrological processes, understanding soil bio-geo-chemistry, understanding scaling issues in hydrology, and, field- scale observations and measurements.