Turnover number - Wikipedia
In enzymology, the turnover number (k cat) is defined as the limiting number of chemical conversions of substrate molecules per second that a single active site will execute for a given …
Turnover Number - Chemistry LibreTexts
The units of Turn over number (kcat) are \(k_{cat}\) = (moles of product/sec)/ (moles of enzyme) or sec-1.
Turnover Number - an overview | ScienceDirect Topics
The turnover number (TON) – originating from the field of enzymatic catalysis – corresponds to the number of moles of substrate that a mole of catalyst can convert before becoming …
“Turning Over” Definitions in Catalytic Cycles | ACS Catalysis
2012年11月8日 · “Turnover number (TON) specifies the maximum use that can be made of a catalyst for a special reaction under defined reaction conditions by the number of molecular …
Turnover Number - an overview | ScienceDirect Topics
In the chemical literature, turnover number is defined as the number of enzyme cycles that can be completed before the enzyme is inactivated. From: Biochimica et Biophysica Acta (BBA) - …
Turnover Number - (Intro to Chemistry) - Vocab, Definition
The turnover number, also known as the catalytic rate constant, is a measure of the efficiency of an enzyme in catalyzing a chemical reaction. It represents the maximum number of substrate …
Turnover number - (Inorganic Chemistry II) - Fiveable
Turnover number serves as a key indicator of how effectively catalysts can convert substrate molecules into products. In homogeneous catalysis, high turnover numbers suggest better …
Turnover Number - (Biological Chemistry I) - Fiveable
Turnover number, often denoted as $k_{cat}$, is defined as the number of substrate molecules converted into product by an enzyme in a given amount of time, typically measured per active …
Enzymes and their turnover numbers - ResearchGate
2019年6月21日 · Turnover number defines the rate at which an enzyme converts its substrate, usually in terms of the number of substrate molecules that can be converted by a single …
Full article: Enzymes and their turnover numbers - Taylor
2019年6月21日 · Turnover number defines the rate at which an enzyme converts its substrate, usually in terms of the number of substrate molecules that can be converted by a single …