Tumor Immunity - an overview | ScienceDirect Topics
Tumor immunity represents a new avenue for cancer therapy. Immune checkpoint inhibitors have successfully improved outcomes in several tumor types. In addition, currently, immune cell-based therapy is also attracting significant attention.
Cancer and the Immune System: Basic Concepts and Targets for ...
A number of consensuses regarding cancer immunology have recently emerged from both preclinical immunotherapy models and analysis of cancer patients. First and foremost, the natural state of endogenous tumor reactive T cells is characterized by ...
Systemic immunity in cancer - Nature Reviews Cancer
2021年4月9日 · Recent clinical and preclinical studies are beginning to unravel the range of systemic immune perturbations that occur during tumour development as well as the crucial contribution of...
Tumor Immunity - an overview | ScienceDirect Topics
Triggering anti-tumor immunity in cancer patients by specific vaccination is foreseen as a safe and versatile method to control cancer. As a source of antigen, whole tumor cells, nucleic acids, proteins or derived peptides have been used.
Roles of the immune system in cancer: from tumor initiation to ...
In principle, tumor development can be controlled by cytotoxic innate and adaptive immune cells; however, as the tumor develops from neoplastic tissue to clinically detectable tumors, cancer cells evolve different mechanisms that mimic peripheral immune tolerance in order to …
The cancer-immunity cycle: Indication, genotype, and immunotype
2023年10月10日 · The cancer-immunity cycle provides a framework to understand the series of events that generate anti-cancer immune responses. It emphasizes the iterative nature of the response where the killing of tumor cells by T cells initiates subsequent rounds of antigen presentation and T cell stimulation, mai …
Tumor Immunity - an overview | ScienceDirect Topics
1 Introduction on cancer immunity. Tumor immunity is emerging as crucial factor in cancer control and therapy. Spontaneous immune responses arising in cancer patients have been proved to condition disease course and positively impact prognosis.
Cancer immunology - Wikipedia
Cancer immunology is an interdisciplinary branch of biology concerned with the role of the immune system in the progression and development of cancer; the most well known application is cancer immunotherapy, where the immune system is used to treat cancer.
Mechanisms of tumor immunity. An overview. - PubMed Central …
The involvement of the immune system in the host response to tumors is complex and involves both lymphocytes and lymphocyte-derived mediators, as well as inflammatory cells and various other agents such as complement.
Cancer cell metabolism and antitumour immunity - Nature
2024年4月22日 · Here, we review cancer cell-intrinsic and cancer cell-extrinsic mechanisms through which alterations of metabolism in malignant cells interfere with innate and adaptive immune functions in...