Taxus - Wikipedia
Taxus is a genus of coniferous trees or shrubs known as yews in the family Taxaceae. [1] . Yews occur around the globe in temperate zones of the northern hemisphere, northernmost in Norway and southernmost in the South Celebes. Some populations exist in tropical highlands. [2] The oldest known fossil species are from the Early Cretaceous. [3]
Taxus (Yew) - North Carolina Extension Gardener Plant Toolbox
Yews are evergreen shrubs or trees in the yew family (Taxaceae) with alternately arranged needles and axillary, red, fleshy cones that nearly surrounding the seed.
YEW - TAXUS SPP. | The UFOR Nursery & Lab - University of …
Genus: Taxus Species: spp. Hardiness Zone: 2 to 6 Height: 20 to 60 ft Width: 15 to 25 ft . Common characteristics: The size of yew is species-dependent because some tend to be shrub-like while others can have a tree form. It has flat short-stalked, 1-inch long, glossy, dark green leaves. Plants have reddish-brown bark, exfoliating in patches.
红豆杉属 Taxus|iPlant 植物智——植物物种信息系统
Taxus (yew) description - conifers.org
2018年1月28日 · Description of the evolution, biology, distribution, ecology, and uses of the species in the conifer genus Taxus (yew).
Taxus sp. – Purdue Arboretum Explorer - Purdue University
Reports vary, but there are up to 10 species of Taxus, and hundreds of variants and cultivars in various sizes, habits, and forms. Members of the Yew genus are one of the most common evergreen shrubs used in the landscape industry today.
Yews, Taxus spp. | VCE Publications | Virginia Tech
2023年11月6日 · There are three main species of yews that are used in the landscape, English yew (Taxus baccata), Japanese yew (T. cuspidata) and Anglojap yew (T. × media). In the nursery and landscape trades, these yews are almost always represented by cultivars (the straight species are rarely, if ever, are available).
Yew (Taxus spp.) : USDA ARS
Ground hemlock (Taxus canadensis) grows from midwestern to northeastern states and Canada, and is native to North America. It is found among coniferous woods and deciduous forests, along slopes, in ravines and marshes, and along rocky cliffs.
Taxus - Trees and Shrubs Online
Taxus are evergreen trees and shrubs with reddish brown, flaky bark. They are typically dioecious, though the shrubby T. canadensis is monoecious. The branchlets are irregularly alternate, greenish yellow when young, reddish brown later.
红豆杉生长特征的影响因素研究进展 - zafu
红豆杉Taxus spp.别名紫杉、观音杉、红豆树等,是红豆杉科Taxaceae红豆杉属Taxus植物的总称 ,是新生代第四纪冰川时期的古老珍贵树种 ,1996年被联合国教科文组织列入全球珍稀濒危植物,1999年被中国列为一类珍稀濒危野生植物。