The Rudolf Steiner Library is the national Anthroposophical library of America. With over 50,000 items, it houses the world’s largest English-language collection of Rudolf Steiner’s writings and is a unique resource for the on-going conversation about humanity’s future.
The library has an online public access catalog where anybody can browse the library’s 46,000+ holdings. In 2023, Zoï Doehrer was appointed Executive Director, carrying forward the work of Fred P., Judith S., and Judith K.
Rudolf Steiner Library 351 Fairview Ave, Ste 610 Hudson, NY, 12534 USA. The library is open from 10am-3pm, Wednesday through Saturday. Check our Facebook page for closings due to weather or holidays. Sign up for our newsletter. Want …
Members gain access to our unique collection of nearly 50,000 holdings, including all published Rudolf Steiner titles (in both English and German!) and hundreds of unpublished manuscripts, as well as an extensive selection of contemporary anthroposophical works.
Our 50,000 items put us in the top 5 anthroposophical libraries in the world, and make us the biggest collection of English-language Steiner books in the world! The conference included a behind-the-scenes tour of the Rudolf Steiner Archiv in Haus Duldeck, where conference attendees were able to hold original materials that Steiner had handwritten.
Unlike public libraries, who receive funding primarily from taxes, or academic libraries who are often funded through university endowments, the Rudolf Steiner Library is a unique collection that lives on goodwill and community efforts.
RUDOLF STEINER LIBRARY G I F T I N KI ND ACKNO W L E DG ME NT AND RE CE I P T T he Rudol f S t ei ner Li brary i s grat ef ul f or t he generosi t y of al l donors who cont ri but e books t o expand t he current col l ect i on and repl ace ol der books wi t h newer edi t i ons. T he Rudol f S t ei ner Li brary adds mat eri al s whi ch support