Scanning sheet music app on surface Pro 4 Windows 10
2017年11月30日 · There are multiple sheet music reader available in Windows Store. Since we do not have any recommendations yet from our community, we suggest you try to check the star rating and reviews of the said applications so that it can help you decide which one to download. We hope that at least we have pointed you to the right direction. Regards.
Best app for sheet music on Surface 2 tablet - Microsoft Community
2014年6月21日 · You can try the Store's search box and type in "sheet music" to see what pops up. There was a special keyboard made for music and an app to go along with it. The keyboard, I think, is defunct but the app might still be available. It may have had sheet music capability and not just a mixer function.
Templates for OneNote - Microsoft Community
2022年9月29日 · Is there any place where I can find templates (either official or created by the community ) for OneNote? I'm particularly interested in some that would definitely be in one of such places (like the Eisenhower matrix), but can't find it.
OneDrive Document Folder is in a file C:/ ..../Old Documents
2024年5月5日 · On OneDrive my Documents folder has a file name named "C:\Users\.....\OneDrive\Old Documents". I also have another folder "C:\Users\…..\OneDrive\Documents" but that is not the default Documents
How to get 5.1 surround on Windows 11 - Microsoft Community
2024年12月25日 · Followed up with suggestion of Kirito.H (10/15/2024). He was responding to inquiry re "...not having Dolby 5.1 Surround Sound on Windows 11". I was/am having issue with sound on Windows 11. Dialogue
I keep getting 'This module is blocked from loading into the Local ...
2024年12月17日 · Dear Kar Choon Lau! Welcome to the Microsoft Community! I read your post and I understand that you are experiencing the problem of receiving notifications that "this module is blocked from loading into the local security authority".
How can I read data from another Excel sheet using the built-in …
2023年4月14日 · How can I read data from another Excel sheet using the built-in code editor I'm trying to do the simplest bit of code possible, using the code editor under Automate in the ribbon, All I want to do is open a particular workbook, then a …
DVD/CD drive not reading my music CD's. Need help.
2012年8月10日 · Hi there, I have an Asus laptop running Windows 7. All of a sudden music CD's are no longer recognised by my DVD/CD drive (E drive). The drive tries to read them (i can hear the CD turning) but
Why is there no READING LAYOUT/cross highlight of a selected …
2016年4月23日 · You know how I wonder why there's NO BUILT-IN feature of reading layout even in the latest Excel.. Of course everyone can achieve that by applying VBA codes to every worksheet, but it's not applied by default in any new workbook, and there are flaws and downsides using VBA if you've ever tried it, so. Quest1
How to switch an opened excel sheet from browser to desktop app?
2024年11月12日 · As per your description, you want to switch your excel sheet Web to desktop application which is located in SharePoint. I have tested from my end as result below. Open the excel file in web > click on the Edting drowpdown >click on Open in Desktop.