RCs - Novel stimulant Ephylone (N-Ethyl-Pentylone, βk-Ethyl-K, βk …
2015年10月31日 · Search titles only. By: Search Advanced search…
RCs Dipentylone (βk-DMBDP) - bluelight.org
2014年6月24日 · From a recent EU warning: 1-(1,3-benzodioxol-5-yl)-2-(dimethylamino)pentan-1-one (dipentylone) is a ring-substituted synthetic cathinone, which is structurally related to pentylone, and a higher homologue of dimethylone (or bk-MDDMA) and dibutylone (bk-MMBDB). This substance was detected in a...
[MEGA] Cathinone Subthread - Methylone, ethylone, pentylone.
2012年5月11日 · Oh no, I've found it to peak for about three hours.. I've found the peak to last like 2 hours (god, maybe 1.5), so 2 redoses would be necessary to extend things, and the returns are even more diminishing than with mdma. I'd honestly do an oral redose like a half hour into the peak, and then...
[MEGA] Cathinone Subthread - Methylone, ethylone, pentylone.
2012年5月11日 · 300 is more a standard dose for me these days (IV) pushing it above that can give me some pretty bad heart palpitations and i get to paranoid to enjoy the buzz. i never suffered any adverse health effects from shooting it. my friend had some problems with her mouth. im 4 days sober after a 3 week binge in which a had a scary flirtation with forming an …
[MEGA] Cathinone Subthread - Methylone, ethylone, pentylone.
2013年5月28日 · Methylone This thread is mainly for Methylone, AKA BK-MDMA or 3,4-methylenedioxy-N-methylcathinone. It will also cover it's relative analogues, pentylone...
RCs Pentedrone - bluelight.org
2011年9月6日 · Pentylone is the methylenedioxy version and MDPV is the methylenedioxy and a N-pyrollidine. G. GR33NH34T
Found solid state way now to toke RC BU or as we know real name ...
2015年4月17日 · Finding it was DI-Pentylone I made the leap and got it for what was going deals back in the day. Litt did I know this was me setting a Tiger Pit for myself and BIG ONE. I thought this would be Holy Grail of RCs and seem to be and then foudn out the nastiest smokable RC could ever be divised on Earth.
"Blue Ice Ecstasy" actually contains N-Ethyl-Pentylone
2015年3月15日 · I sent an X pill into Ectsasydata.org. The test results show it contains a ratio of 10:1 N-Ethyl-Pentylone:MDMA.
MDPHP & 4F-PHP - Experienced - A summary of effects
2000年10月15日 · Have you tried pentylone? Curious, because I think hexen/ethyl-hexedrone is very euphoric (well, not at the level of the most euphoric stims but more euphoric than most), with a short duration. A bit too much residual stimulation but few peripheral side effects for …
3-MMC vs 4-MMC How do they measure up? | Page 2 | Bluelight.org
2010年10月5日 · Oh don't care because I got all the best of best and well did'nt see it's true value and now 3 MMC and old Methylone does fine. Must say Love the Pentylone but Butylone would sure give you racing heart like monster chunk of pure crack. Guess was very lucky to hve real pure stuff in the good days . Heard even Hexedrone hard to come by?