ORONAMIN C DRINK Recognized with Good Design …
2016年10月28日 · ORONAMIN C DRINK is a carbonated nutritional beverage fortified with vitamins, including the vitamin C equivalent of 11 lemons. The optimal 120ml size offers a fresh tingle of carbonation and a refreshing feeling …
Otsuka Oronamin C: Classic Japanese Energy Drink
Oronamin C Projects :: Photos, videos, logos, illustrations and ...
奥乐蜜C - 百度百科
奥乐蜜C,是大冢 (中国)投资有限公司旗下维生素碳酸饮品 [1]。 奥乐蜜C诞生于1965年,56年来一路畅销,风靡亚洲。 据日本媒体NICONICO调查统计,奥乐蜜C曾连续6年保持日本超市清凉饮料水销量第一的纪录。
ORONAMIN C - The Overflowing Stream of Happiness
2020年12月14日 · Oronamin C has had a slogan called Genki Hatsuratsu (元気ハツラツ) which means “full of energy”, “full of liveliness”, or “the overflowing feelings of happiness”. Through a series of illustrative posters, we deliver the …
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ORONAMIN C DRINK | Otsuka Pharmaceutical Co., Ltd.
ORONAMIN C DRINK is a carbonated nutritional drink that contains vitamins including vitamin C. The optimal 120ml size refreshes the mouth and throat, with a fresh feeling that expands with every gulp you take.
日本Oronamin C饮料:这一刻,感觉自己是巨人 - 数英
ORONAMIN C DRINK Product story - 大塚製薬株式会社
ORONAMIN C DRINK is a carbonated nutritional drink that contains vitamins including vitamin C. The optimal 120ml size refreshes the mouth and throat, with a fresh feeling that expands with every gulp you take.
Oronamin C
奧樂蜜C飲品 Oronamin C Drink是一種即飲的維他命及營養碳酸飲品,含豐富維他命C、B2、B6及蜂蜜有助抵抗疾痛侵擾,踢走因睡眠不足引致的小毛病包括痱滋,體力下降、黑眼圈及流感。
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