Oak Barrens - Wisconsin
Black oak (Quercus velutina) is often the dominant tree in this fire-adapted savanna community of xeric sites, but white oak (Quercus alba), bur oak (Quercus macrocarpa), northern pin oak (Quercus ellipsoidalis), and occasionally red oak (Quercus rubra), may also be present. Canopy is variable but is typically between 5% and 60% in good-quality ...
Swan Sedge (Carex swanii) - Wisconsin
At least half the flowers are female, staminate at the base. Perigynia are ascending, obscurely 5-13-veined, obovate-circular, trigonous in cross section, and densely pilose. Beak is absent. Leaf blades are pubescent and longer than the culm, ligules are longer than wide.
Mullein Foxglove (Dasistoma macrophyllum) - Wisconsin
Its flowers are sessile (or nearly so), yellow with five flaring petals shorter than the tube, and densely hairy inside. Inflorescence interrupted by leafy spikes with flowers from leaf axils lobes almost equal, widely spreading, tube longer than lobes, 4 stamens. Fruits are roundish capsules, seeds are papery.
Grassleaf Rush (Juncus marginatus) - Wisconsin
Fruits are incompletely 3-locular, the partitions not meeting in the center, somewhat turgid-inflated, 1.8-2.9mm long and nearly as thick. Principle blades are flat to involute, 1-3mm wide, with 2-3 prominent veins, lacking hard cross-partitions. Leaf sheaths have small, rounded, thin-dry, ear-shaped appendages.
Maryland Senna (Senna marilandica) - Wisconsin
It can be distinguished from the more common S herbecarpa by its short-cylindric or rounded or dome-shaped petiolar glands (not oval or club-shaped), ovary appressed-hairy (not densely villous), joints of the pods (and seeds) about twice as wide as long (not equally wide as long), and somewhat fewer leaflets per leaf (4-8 pairs vs 6-10 pairs).
John Annin, Black Oak Lake Association Laura Felda-Marquardt, UWEX – Lakes Partnership Ken Felsecker, Watersmeet Lake & Wisconsin River Association Patrick Goggin, Vilas County Conservationist Marty Ketterer, Chairman, Cloverland Town Lakes Committee James Lynn, Cloverland Town Lakes Committee
Oak Opening - Wisconsin
Oak openings tend to be dominated by members of the white oak group, especially bur oak (Quercus macrocarpa), sometimes white oak (Q. alba), and locally in southwestern Wisconsin, chinquapin oak (Q. muhlenbergii). Black oak (Q. velutina) and shagbark hickory (Carya ovata) may also be present. Canopy closure can vary widely.
Watershed Detail - North Branch and Mainstem Embarrass Rive
There are two industrial point source dischargers and three municipal point source dischargers in the North Branch and Mainstem Embarrass River Watershed: Village of Bear Creek, Village of Bowler, Embarrass/Cloverleaf Lakes Sanitary District No. 1, Flanagan Brothers, Inc., and the Oak Grove Cheese Factory. Date 1996
WISBURN - Wisconsin
3 天之前 · Fire danger ratings describe the potential for a fire to start and spread and the intensity at which a fire will burn in the wildland.
Watershed Detail - Middle Wolf River
Watershed - Middle Wolf River (WR14) Long Lake Association - Shawano County, Inc.: Long Lake Clp Rapid Response: Long Lake Property Owners Assoc. proposes to control Curly-leaf Pondweed (CLP) in Long Lake by implementing control measures duing the period of 2011-2015.