Neuronal Migration - Neuroscience - NCBI Bookshelf
Migration is a ubiquitous feature of development that brings cells into appropriate spatial relationships. In the nervous system, migration during development brings different classes of …
From migration to settlement: the pathways, migration modes …
Neuronal migration is crucial for the construction of the nervous system. To reach their correct destination, migrating neurons choose pathways using physical substrates and chemical cues …
Neuronal Migration - an overview | ScienceDirect Topics
Neuronal migration is an essential process for mammalian nervous system development and involves three distinct phases: extension of the leading process, movement of the cell body, …
Neuronal migration in the adult brain: are we there yet?
2007年2月1日 · This review aims to summarize the patterns, mechanisms and functional significance of neuronal migration in the postnatal brain, with an emphasis on the migratory …
Mechanisms of cell migration in the nervous system - PMC
Neuron migrations are broadly classified as radial (parallel to RG) or tangential (orthogonal to RG, either around the circumference of the neural tube or along its length).
Mechanisms of neuronal migration in the adult brain
In the adult brain, immature neurons called neuroblasts are continuously generated in the ventricular-subventricular zone (V-SVZ). These neuroblasts migrate rapidly through the rostral …
Modes of neuronal migration in the developing cerebral cortex
Radially migrating neurons adopt two separate modes of movement: somal translocation during the early stages of corticogenesis; and glia-guided migration during the later stages, when the...
Neuronal migration mechanisms in development and disease
2010年2月1日 · In this review we summarize novel findings on the key processes that govern the cell biology of migrating neurons, describing recent advances in their molecular regulation in …
Neuronal Migration Generates New Populations of Neurons That …
2019年4月24日 · Neuroblasts may migrate away from the ventricle radially along glia fibers, in various directions or even across the midline. We present four cases of unusual migration that …
Neuronal migration and the evolution of the human brain
Neuronal migration is a crucial step in neural development, as defects in neuronal migration cause multiple human diseases. Similar to other fields of experimental biology, our knowledge of …