Why do Muslim men have beards and wear turbans? - Al Islam
As for turbans it is true to say that many Arab and Asian Muslims wear the turban purely for customary reasons, but there is no religious requirement that a turban should be worn. The reason why Muslims may wear a turban is because it reflects the spirit of Islam that seeks to remind people of God.
25 interesting facts you should know about Islam
Fact #16: Islam upholds loyalty to one’s country or nation as part of one’s faith whether the country is Muslim or non-Muslim. This is demonstrated around the world as we have legions of proud and loyal American Muslims, Canadian Muslims, British Muslims, Ghanaian Muslims, French Muslims, Pakistani Muslims, Indian Muslims, Chinese Muslims ...
The Promised Messiah – Hazrat Mirza Ghulam Ahmad (peace be …
Yet his legacy as the founder of Ahmadiyya Muslim Community, continues to prevail throughout the world today. He was a man, deeply in love with and treaded on the footsteps of his beloved master, the Holy Prophet (sa), with every breath of his life. He was man beloved by Allah Almighty, and was vouchsafed a revelation, “Kings shall seek ...
Men of Excellence: Zubair ibn al-Awam (ra) - Al Islam
2020年8月21日 · Musa bin Muhammad narrates from his father that Hazrat Zubair (ra) bin al-Awam could be recognised by his yellow turban; he was wearing a yellow turban during the Battle of Badr. Upon seeing him, the Holy Prophet (sa) said that angels had descended in likeness of Hazrat Zubair (ra) – meaning the angels which Allah the Almighty had sent for ...
Muhammad (sa): The Great Exemplar - Al Islam
2025年1月10日 · In it, there is not even mention of the killing of Ummi Qirfah. Invariably, in the narration of Muslim and Abu Dawud, the name of Ummi Qirfah is not mentioned and the name of the commander is also recorded as Abu Bakr (ra) instead of Zaid (ra). Regardless, we cannot imagine that this expedition was another one altogether, as the rest of the ...
Muhammad (sa): The Great Exemplar - Al Islam
2023年12月8日 · The Muslim army was now reduced from 1000 to just 700. This small army had only two horses, but despite this, they bravely marched forth. Passing through the date orchard, they arrived at the Mount of Uhud. The Muslim army camped the entire night in the valley of the mount and after offering the Fajr prayer, they gathered on the battlefield.”
Hazrat Hamza ibn Abdul-Muttalib (ra) - Al Islam
2018年5月4日 · Life as a Muslim and migration to Medina. Along with other Muslims, Hazrat Hamza (ra) also migrated to Medina and stayed at the home of Hazrat Kulthum (ra) bin Al-Hidm. In accordance with another narration, he stayed at the home of Hazrat Sa‘d (ra) bin Khaithimah.
Hazrat Zubair bin Awwam (ra) - Al Islam
2020年8月21日 · Musa bin Muhammad narrates from his father that Hazrat Zubair bin al-Awwam (ra) could be recognised by his yellow turban, which he was wearing during the Battle of Badr. Upon seeing him, the Holy Prophet (sa) said that angels had descended in likeness of Hazrat Zubair (ra) – meaning the angels which Allah the Almighty had sent for their help ...
Men of Excellence: Hamza ibn Abdul-Muttalib (ra) - Al Islam
2018年5月4日 · May the Muslim world remember the sacrifices offered by these Companions until the Day of Resurrection and may we have the opportunity to act on the virtues and examples they demonstrated for us. After reciting the Tashahhud , Ta‘awuz , and Surah Al-Fatihah, Hazrat Khalifatul Masih V (aa) stated:
Muhammad (sa): The Great Examplar - Al Islam
2024年9月27日 · However as Amr bin Abd al-Wudd continued calling out, Hazrat Ali (ra) got up and the Holy Prophet (sa) didn’t stop him, rather he granted Hazrat Ali (ra) with his turban and sword and sent him off with prayers. His Holiness (aba) said that upon coming face to face, Hazrat Ali (ra) invited Amr bin Abd al-Wudd to join Islam however Amr refused.