MW changes 11.1 - Monk - World of Warcraft Forums
2025年1月16日 · Pretty sweet changes imo Not sure how the Jade Bond people feel because I don’t really use Jade Bond ever — thoughts?
11.1 Windwalker Monk Feedback - Undermine(d) PTR Discussion
2025年1月24日 · 11.1 Windwalker Monk Feedback Tier Set I’ll just state first that overall it’s… fine. It doesn’t excite me by any means and with proper tuning, it’ll perform well enough. However, I think it’s saying something that I was more excited at the synergy possibilities from the first tier set of this expansion more than this one. Much of that …
WW Monk Scaling - Monk - World of Warcraft Forums
2024年9月22日 · WW monk scaling is terrible and will always be bad as long as mastery and crit are so weakly tuned or useless. There has been a ton of things done to improve haste value so that it now is a higher priority than vers but that is far from what is actually need. Some quick information for people that dont know. Versatility as a stat is the EXACT same for every class in the game particularly dps ...
For those who hate the WoW Monk, what chnages do you want?
2025年1月21日 · Ive seen a few people say that the wow version of monk is a bad iteration. If thats you, what do you want to see them add to Monk in WoW to make it better? Im well aware lots of people love the WoW monk and thats great. But im curious what others think.
Ara-Kara Last Boss - Puddle Grips get canceled by something?
2024年10月2日 · I have died several times now to my root/blob getting cancelled while the boss is doing the pull. I have not interrupted, leg sweeped, paralyzed, ROP’d, or cast anything that could explain why the root got broken. It just randomly decides that now is a good time to let go, and so I get yeeted into the boss. Is this a bug, or am I missing some talent or ability that is causing it? I …
Monk - World of Warcraft Forums
2025年1月29日 · Discuss all aspects of Monks here.
Season 34 solo and group meta? - General Discussion - Diablo 3 …
2025年1月12日 · I have a vague memory of playing tal rasha with 10 MMs to get resources for star pact, but don’t remember what was meta. Had a look at maxroll for season 27: Their group XP history page says strafe impale or rats were meta S27. The leaderboard for 4-person is topped by barb, DH, necro, necro (i assume zbarb and zdh) in about 1:30. leaderboard for 3-person is barb, DH, monk. 2-person is barb ...
Which classes were op in MOP so I can make one when it comes out
2024年11月18日 · Asking for friends obviously
Need a new name please - Monk - World of Warcraft Forums
2019年7月23日 · I am not that creative as you can see, my main is called Wreck. I named this monk Wreckz just for fun but then decided to get him to 120, i need a name changed, any good ideas? Fun, serious names, whatever.
The State of Monk - Monk - World of Warcraft Forums
2023年6月2日 · Before we all start MONK IS FINE or MONK IS BAD-ing at each other, let’s just talk about the state of monk. Understandably, it is a less popular spec than other classes in the current meta, yet many die-hards of the class say that it’s fine. Without getting out the power point presentation, we can discuss some things that are known. Brewmaster: This is currently the spec with the most key ...