Home - City of Mesa
With a population of 517,496 Mesa, Arizona is the 36th largest city in the United States and second largest in the Phoenix-Mesa metro area and is larger than Miami, Minneapolis, Atlanta …
About Mesa - City of Mesa
With a population of over 515,000, Mesa is the 35th largest city in the United States and second largest in Maricopa County. We are larger than Miami, Minneapolis, and Atlanta. Mesa …
Government - City of Mesa
As one of the premier cities in the Southwest, Mesa offers a diverse and affordable quality of life. And, being the nation’s 36 th largest city and second largest in the Phoenix-Mesa metro area, …
Careers & Benefits - City of Mesa
Together Mesa. In Mesa, we are committed to creating a thriving city where everyone can succeed.
Fire Station Locations - City of Mesa
Mesa, AZ 85201-6613 (Community Room) Mesa Fire Station 212 2430 S. Ellsworth Mesa, AZ 85208-5300: Mesa Fire Station 202 830 S. Stapley Drive Mesa, AZ 85204-4243. Mesa Fire …
Code Compliance - City of Mesa
Code Compliance works in partnership with the citizens of Mesa to promote and maintain a safe and attractive living and working environment.
Mesa Family Resource Center - City of Mesa
The Mesa Family Resource Center will be a community hub for families with children ages birth to five and will include a wide range of free parenting activities, referrals to support and resources …
School Break Camps - City of Mesa
School Break CampsCamps are offered at our Recreation Centers and follow the Mesa Public Schools schedule. Registration periods for camps are listed below.Spring: Mid-JanuaryFall: …
City Projects - City of Mesa
These projects aimed at enhancing infrastructure, improving public spaces, and fostering growth across Mesa. Whether you're curious about the latest road improvements, park renovations, or …
Neighborhood Cleanup Program - City of Mesa
Mesa residents interested in hosting a community cleanup event in their neighborhood are invited to submit their application for the Neighborhood Cleanup Program. Under this program, we …