The Mechquest Story guide - AdventureQuest
2012年11月27日 · Background: One day, Korin (the real one, that’s currently in charge of Mechquest) locked Warlic (also the real one, and the past person in charge of Mechquest) in a closet for 5 days. After five days, Warlic got out and found Korin updating Mechquest. The following section is the actual update Korin made (hence his appearance).
The Ultimate Guide for Power Leveling - AdventureQuest
2010年12月27日 · Power leveling is a form of farming, but only with experience. The higher level you are, the more places in mechquest are available to you, and the more powerful you can become. So overall, power leveling is a way to level up really quick.
A Beginner's Guide to Mechquest - AdventureQuest
2010年10月18日 · Now, Mechquest has a unique interface. To get adjusted, I'd suggest reading the User Interface Guide, or The Mechquest Gameplay and Interface Guide. If you can, read both. They are helpful for mastering how to use the game's unique interface. The sooner you learn these, the less time you'll be wondering what each fancy-looking button does.
The MechQuest Storyline Guide - From the Start to the End
2010年6月29日 · Welcome to MechQuest, GEARS University pilot. After creating your character, you will start in the Dropship. Here, you will be able to accomplish several missions, and even a minigame. If you are looking for a walkthrough, or perhaps the complete list of what you can do in this area, The Dropship: A Complete Walkthrough will help you. The ...
MechQuest General Discussion - AdventureQuest
2018年8月8日 · Adventure Guides, ArchKnights MechQuest, Vivi : MechQuest Art Gallery A place to hang all the beautiful works you have created and show them off to the world! 7: 57: RE: Warmonger DragonJax -Weap .. 3/6/2023 11:21:43 Warmonger DragonJax : Adventure Guides, ArchKnights MechQuest, Vivi
=MQ= Farming Discussion - AdventureQuest
2012年6月28日 · This is the thread to use for discussion of all types of Credit and Exp farming in MechQuest! You can put forward your own suggestions of areas and methods to farm, or ask for advice for your own character. For Equipment Comparison questions, you need to go to this thread in MQ Q&A.
Planet Westion - Complete Guide and Walkthrough
2009年9月17日 · There is much more to explore in MechQuest; too much for one guide! The next Planet is Zargon, fully explained in Zargon Explained - The Full Walkthrough. After that, there is Planet Gark and Lagos, explained in Planet Gark and Lagos Walkthrough. There is more to explore; more to encounter; and more to experience in MechQuest.
A Simple Guide to Farming - AdventureQuest
2016年5月9日 · I'm glad you asked, and I'll answer that question immediately. Farming is a term used in games when you are receiving a large amount of Experience or Money (or in Mechquest Terms, Credits). Farming works like this: It's so easy, a caveman can do it, I think..... 1. You think you found a Quest/ Place/ Battle that offers good Experince/Credits/Both.
Mecha Stats & Stat Builds Guide - AdventureQuest
2014年2月9日 · It's much more convenient in Mechquest: If you want to un-train a couple stat points, just click the Red Arrows that point to the left to untrain a stats. Non-Star Captains can only un-train a total of 5 stats while Star Captains can un-train a total of 6 points at a time.
Soluna City Guide and Walkthrough - AdventureQuest
2015年9月29日 · Welcome to Soluna City. This is the hometown of everyone in MechQuest. This city links every planet in the game. This city is constantly expanding. For those of you who have just landed there is so much to do so let’s start with GEARS University. To get to a certain point in this guide hold (CTRL + F) and type in the code Table of Contents