约 457,000 个结果
  1. Commercial greenhouses contribute significantly to light pollution, often surpassing the output of entire towns. Regulations and technology can help mitigate the impact on dark skies.
    Commercial greenhouses contribute significantly to light pollution, often surpassing the output of entire towns. Regulations and technology can help mitigate the impact on dark skies.

    Common detrimental effects of greenhouse light pollution include:

    • Impact dark sky and nearby airport operations. Too much light will illuminate the dark sky, making it difficult to see the stars. ...
    • Do harm to wildlife. Regardless of the light spectrum, excessive light could be ecological light pollution for amphibians. ...
    • Negative for human health and psychology. ...
    • Disorient the migratory birds. ...
    www.linkedin.com/pulse/greenhouse-light-pollution …
  2. 其他用户还问了以下问题
  3. Light is Energy: Estimating the Impact of Light …

    2022年8月2日 · Reducing light pollution is a readily available win-win solution. It directly protects biodiversity by lessening the impact of excessive light on plants and animals immediately. And by reducing energy demand at night, it reduces …

  4. Greenhouses and Light Pollution - All Things Lighting™ Association

  5. Keeping it lit – Controlling greenhouse light pollution

    2019年10月22日 · Nocturnal light from greenhouses can interfere with nearby airport operations, create ecological issues for sensitive animal populations, negatively impact light-sensitive crops in adjacent greenhouse facilities, and …

  6. Global light pollution is affecting ecosystems—what …

    2020年3月13日 · A recent study, Light pollution is a driver of insect declines, says habitat loss, pesticide use, invasive species and climate change have all played a role in insect declines globally, but that artificial light at night is another …

  7. Light pollution: Environmental impact, health risks and …

    2022年4月5日 · Along with skyglow, light pollution consists of glare, light trespass and clutter. Glare relates to light that can cause direct visual discomfort, whereas light trespass is light that...

  8. Monitoring, trends and impacts of light pollution - Nature

  9. Light pollution wastes energy and money and …

    2014年9月8日 · Quality lighting design reduces energy use and therefore energy dependence. It also reduces carbon emissions, saves money, and allows us to enjoy the night sky. Watch a clip of the documentary The City Dark to learn …

  10. Light pollution is skyrocketing | Science - AAAS

    2023年1月19日 · The results of the study point to the need for satellites that can detect the visible light in different color bands and make a strong case for reversing light pollution and its wide-ranging negative effects, from ecological …

  11. Light pollution driven by climate change | Science - AAAS

  12. Managing Light Pollution - Greenhouse Product News

    Light pollution can come from fixtures designed for people (such as new or brighter street lighting) or those designed for horticultural applications. And, as a consequence of increasing urban sprawl, some greenhouses that were once …