Create beautiful palettes with Adobe Color
Explore color themes. Discover popular color palettes from the Adobe Color community and search for themes by name, mood or keyword using color search. One click any color theme to edit it directly on the color wheel.
Adobe Color
Popular Searches: Summer Neutral palette Primary colors Vaporwave Spring Vintage Synthwave Happy Luxury Tropical. Learn More; Create for free; Learn More; Learn More; Learn More
Generate stunning palettes with Adobe's Color Wheel - Adobe Color
Use the Color Wheel to create harmonious colors that make a palette. Choose your base color, then select from a variety of color harmonies like analogous, triadic, complementary, and more to create beautiful designs.
Create and discover unique color themes - Adobe Color
Color is a web app and creative community where you and other artists can create and share color themes and inspiration. Save themes to your Adobe Creative Cloud Libraries to use in your favorite desktop and mobile apps, like Adobe Photoshop, Illustrator, and Photoshop Sketch.
How to Use Adobe's Kuler Web App - YouTube
In this video, Neil Malek presents a quick how-to on using a free, online tool to make a color scheme. The application is at http://kuler.adobe.com - try it ...
How To: Create a Color Palette with Adobe Kuler - digitalchalk.com
2013年8月15日 · Adobe Kuler, a cloud-based application, helps you create quality color palettes and themes that fit your e-learning content and presentations. You can easily create, search, share, save, and rate thousands of themes, all within your browser or iPhone application.
Create and discover unique colour themes - Adobe Color
Adobe Color is a web app where you can create and share colour themes. Save your new themes and use it in your favourite desktop or mobile app.
Kooler Kolor with Kuler - CreativePro Network
2007年2月1日 · The kuler engine is... well, it's cool. You can quickly find groups of colors that other folks have made, or enter your own color and find What colors look good together?
Get started with Adobe Color CC
2021年4月27日 · Learn how to use Adobe Color CC, formerly Kuler, to capture and create inspiring color themes that can be used right away in other Adobe desktop and mobile apps.
Using Adobe Kuler To Build an Effective Color Scheme
2011年2月15日 · Adobe has developed a great color tool named Kuler http://kuler.adobe.com. This video shows how to use Kuler to build a color scheme based on a logo or photo...