Tyrande Whisperwind (HotS) - HIVE
2023年4月15日 · Tyrande and Malfurion grew close and battled against the invading demons together, but Illidan pursued a darker path, feigning allegiance to the Burning Legion and succumbing to the temptations of power. After the defeat of the Legion and the Sundering, Tyrande and Malfurion helped rebuild elven society; Illidan was imprisoned beneath Mount Hyjal."
Sha of Fear (WoW) - HIVE
2024年12月20日 · Imprisoned by the legendary pandaren emperor Shaohao long ago, the entity has been newly strengthened by rising conflict across the island. Contents Sha of Fear (WoW) (Model)
Mythrax the Unraveler (WoW) - HIVE
2025年1月23日 · Mythrax's body was sealed within the temple of Atul'Aman, until recently when General Jakra'zet, an ally of Zul, roused Mythrax. Zul led the C'Thrax to siege Zuldazar and break the Great Seal, the last of three seals that held their master G'huun imprisoned beneath Uldir. With his mission complete, Mythrax returned to his master's side in Uldir."
High Prophet Barim (WoW) - HIVE
2024年12月22日 · "High Prophet Barim is the hallowed spiritual leader of the Neferset. Along with General Husam, he rallied his fellow Neferset against Siamat and imprisoned the air elemental. Regardless, some dark force still drives Barim and his followers to terrorize Uldum." My part: Optimized the Model; Renamed the animations correctly
Titan Sargeras - HIVE
2020年11月19日 · This model has several different attack animations, its walk animation is awkward though. It also has other animations that I kept because they are almost cinematic, similar to the imprisoned animations of the Fallen Avatar model, along with kneeling and sitting animations. Does not have a decay animation. Credits to Blizzard.
Fel Demon Gate - HIVE
2017年11月23日 · Time has passed when Sargeras was imprisoned in Argus, The Burning Legion has ever to be foiled and sealed into state of dormancy for losing its supreme leader. There are many pockets of Legion's forces did still wanted to bring the crusade alive as well as some others were definitely lost in action and somewhat gullible to be led or misled.
[Campaign] - Malfurion's Quest - HIVE
2014年3月12日 · Malfurion’s twin brother, and imprisoned since the end of the War of the Ancients due to the creation of the new Well of Eternity. Maiev Shadowsong and her Watchers were originally assigned to keep him imprisoned, but since their departure, Illidan has been able to …
Why does Illidan commit suicide? - HIVE
2015年7月29日 · Illidan does not in Heroes of the Storm? I am guessing in WC3 it is an animation Easter Egg. Just like the one stand animation of the Blade Master sees him floating in the air and the death animation of the Dread Lord sees him bursting into a cloud of bats (Dracula style).
Gavinrad the Dire - HIVE
2024年6月20日 · For years, his soul was imprisoned and tortured inside Frostmourne, until he was freed by Tirion Fordring and the Ashbringer during the Scourgewar. As a wandering soul in Icecrown Citadel, he finally found eternal rest after being freed by the Deathlord of the Knights of the Ebon Blade, during the third invasion of the Burning Legion.
Hour of Twilight [2.7] - HIVE
2016年8月22日 · Since the dawn of life on Azeroth, the imprisoned and sleeping Old Gods have been whispering to the subconsciousness of mortal and eternal beings alike, subverting their thoughts and feelings, and sometimes driving them to great malice, complete insanity, or both. A very ancient prophecy speaks of the Hour of Twilight, the final days of the world.