Hydrogen Sulfide - Overview - Occupational Safety and Health …
Hydrogen sulfide (also known as H 2 S, sewer gas, swamp gas, stink damp, and sour damp) is a colorless gas known for its pungent "rotten egg" odor at low concentrations. It is extremely …
Hydrogen Sulfide - Hazards | OSHA.gov - Occupational Safety and …
Hydrogen sulfide is a highly flammable, explosive gas, and can cause possible life-threatening situations if not properly handled. In addition, hydrogen sulfide gas burns and produces other …
Hydrogen Sulfide (H 2S) Hydrogen sulfide is a colorless, flammable, extremely hazardous gas with a “rot-ten egg” smell. Some common names for the gas include sewer gas, stink damp, …
Hydrogen Sulfide - Evaluating and Controlling Exposure
This includes identifying known sources of hydrogen sulfide and evaluating possible fire and explosion hazards. Use a Process or Job Hazard Analysis for identifying and controlling …
Hydrogen Sulfide - Hydrogen Sulfide in Workplaces | Occupational …
Workers died clearing debris from an underground sewer pipe. Both were overwhelmed by hydrogen sulfide gas. They were 19 and 25 years old. Two workers died at an oil field water …
Hydrogen Sulfide - Standards - Occupational Safety and Health ...
Hydrogen sulfide exposure addressed in specific OSHA standards for general industry, maritime, and construction. This section highlights OSHA standards and documents related to hydrogen …
A worker died of acute hydrogen sulfide (H 2 S) poisoning while responding to an alarming water pump involved in the process of extracting crude oil and natural gas. The worker was alone in …
eTool : Oil and Gas Well Drilling and Servicing - General Safety
Gas detection monitoring and alarms where H 2 S may exist. Appropriate respiratory protection for normal and emergency use. Develop and implement an emergency response plan (see 29 …
Effects of Hydrogen Sulfide H2S PPM EFFECT TIME.00011-33 Typical background concentrations. 0.01-1.5 Odor threshold – rotten egg smell. 10 Permissible Exposure Level – 8 …
HYDROGEN SULFIDE - Occupational Safety and Health …
2024年11月1日 · ACGIH: Documentation of the Threshold Limit Values (TLVs) and Biological Exposure Indices (BEIs) - Hydrogen sulfide. See annual publication for most recent information.