Vermont Slate Roofs | Greenstone Slate | Architectural Roofing Slate
The Greenstone Slate Company has been a leader in crafting Vermont roofing slate for well over half a century and has shipped slate all over the world for residential and institutional projects. Our quarries are located in the heart of what is known as the Slate Valley— a region primarily in Vermont, extending slightly into New York State.
Vermont Slate Colors | Greenstone Architectural Roofing Slate
The Slate Valley of Vermont is renowned for producing the world’s best quality slate. Greenstone Slate is manufactured into roofing slates in our Poultney, Vermont facilities (with only two exceptions—the unique Unfading Spanish Black and Legacy Unfading Gray/Black).
From Quarry to Roof | Greenstone Slate Company
The Greenstone Slate Company has 58 quarries in what is known the world over as the Slate Valley of Vermont. The Slate Valley is famous for its very high quality slate . The slate is removed from the ground, cut with diamond tipped saws and …
Contact - Vermont Slate Roofs | Greenstone Slate Company
Our quarries in Vermont have produced an exceptionally fine quality stone for roofing slate for more than a century. We deliver consistently high quality product, with excellence in service and installation support, and competitive pricing—for the highest value possible in a slate roof.
Greenstone Slate Project Gallery
Welcome to the Greenstone Slate Company’s Slate Project Gallery. Below are our completed slate projects – including traditional slate roof installations, slate roofs using lightweight installation systems, slate roofs with solar integration, and slate cladding.
SlateTec installation – Genuine Slate, Less Weight! - Greenstone …
Using their very rugged interlayment, a SlateTec roof uses far less slate overlap than in a traditional installation. Cedar shake replacements and asphalt re-roofing solution. The SlateTec system will reduce roof weight by roughly 40% because it requires less slate—the key to …
Slate Roof Installation | Greenstone Slate Company
When it comes to slate roof installation, it's recommended that a professional slate roofing contractor install a slate roof. We'll help you find one. 800 619 4333 [email protected]
Slate, Stone and Stucco - Vermont Slate Roofs - Greenstone Slate …
Greenstone Slate on gray stone and stucco excellently complement each other on this fine New England residence. Back to Project Gallery 325 Upper Road – PO Box 134
Greenstone Slate NEWS - Vermont Slate Roofs | Greenstone Slate …
Project Profile: Greenstone Slate® Vermont Gray Black roofing slate installed on Florida beachfront residence; Greenstone Slate announces new genuine slate color: Legacy Unfading Gray/Black; Greenstone Slate Announces AIA Course: Genuine Slate Roofing with 40% Less Roof Weight (1.25 LU / HSW)
Greenstone 100 Year Warranty - Vermont Slate Roofs | Greenstone …
Greenstone Slate Company, Inc. guarantees to the original purchaser only to replace any and all slate pieces that meet the above criteria within the 100-year period from the date of delivery at no charge, for material only, FOB quarry.