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Glycolysis is the process of breaking down glucose to produce energy.
Khan Academy
Learn about fermentation and anaerobic respiration, including how cells extract energy from glucose without oxygen.
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Khanmigo is an AI-powered personal tutor and teaching assistant from trusted education nonprofit Khan Academy. For learners and families, Khanmigo offers engaging, on-topic, and effective learning for students, and is ethically designed with safety and learning as a top priority.
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Khan Academy - Кан Академия
Учи безплатно математика, изобразително изкуство, програмиране, икономика, физика, химия, биология, медицина, финанси, история и други. Кан Академия е нетърговска организация, чиято мисия е да осигурява безплатно ...
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Harnessing GPT-4 so that all students benefit. A nonprofit …
2023年3月14日 · Today we’re introducing a small AI pilot for a limited number of teachers, students, and donors. As society grapples with AI, we view it as our responsibility to work deeply with this new technology to explore its potential in education. I believe we are uniquely suited to …
Maths Course Order - Khan Academy Help Center
2021年1月3日 · Hello. I would like to start the high school and college math courses. what is the exact order of all these courses please? if i need to start earlier, say for example 7th or 8th grade then where do basic geometry/pre-algebra/algebra basics courses fit amongst the order of pre 8th grade to high school and college courses e.g. algebra 1; geometry; algebra 2; trigonometry etc.