GNU Hurd
The GNU Hurd is the GNU project's replacement for the Unix kernel. It is a collection of servers that run on the Mach microkernel to implement file systems, network protocols, file access control, and other features that are implemented by the Unix kernel or similar kernels (such as Linux).
GNU 为什么坚持开发 Hurd 啊? - 知乎
2024年8月29日 · Hurd属于是为了坚持GNU而开发的撑脸的东西。 Richard Stallman发起GNU的核心目的实际上是阻止垄断,即借助开源社区的力量让软件发展,让商业公司无法完成垄断。
GNU Hurd - 维基百科,自由的百科全书
GNU Hurd是一套作業系統 内核,以微内核架構設計。 Hurd是 GNU 操作系统的核心部份。 GNU計畫 从1990年开始开发GNU Hurd,并且将它作为一个遵循 GPL 的自由软件发布。
GNU Hurd - Wikipedia
GNU Hurd is a collection of microkernel servers written as part of GNU, for the GNU Mach microkernel. It has been under development since 1990 by the GNU Project of the Free Software Foundation, designed as a replacement for the Unix kernel, [4] and released as free software under the GNU General Public License.
2023-q4 - GNU
2024年1月9日 · The GNU Hurd is the GNU project's replacement for the Unix kernel. It is a collection of servers that run on the Mach microkernel to implement file systems, network protocols, file access control, and other features that are implemented by the Unix kernel or similar kernels (such as Linux).
What Is the GNU Hurd?
The Hurd is the GNU project's replacement for UNIX, a popular operating system kernel. The Hurd is firstly a collection of protocols formalizing how different components may interact. The protocols are designed to reduce the mutual trust requirements of the actors thereby permitting a more extensible system.
projectgnu/hurd - GitHub
The GNU Hurd is free software. All of it, including the libraries in this distribution, is covered by the GNU General Public License, found in the file COPYING. Please read the FAQ at < http://www.gnu.org/software/hurd/faq.html >.
Debian -- Debian GNU/Hurd
The Hurd is a set of servers running on top of the GNU Mach microkernel. Together they build the base for the GNU operating system. Currently, Debian is only officially available for Linux, but with Debian GNU/Hurd we have started to offer GNU/Hurd as a …
GNU Hurd是一组运行在GNU Mach或L4上的 守护进程,用来实现 UNIX 实现了的 文件系统 、 网络协议 、及文件访问控制等其他功能。 据Thomas Bushnell ,BSG,Hurd的主设计师所述:‘Hurd’代表‘Hird of Unix-Replacing Daemons’,而‘Hird’又代表了‘Hurd of Interfaces Representing Depth’。 据我所知,这里,我们拥有了第一个以一对双关语命名的软件。 GNU Hurd始于1990年,基于麻省理工学院计算机科学实验室Steve Ward教授和他的团队开发的用于研究的TRIX操 …
GNU Hurd | GNU操作系统和自由软件运动 维基 | Fandom
GNU Hurd (通常简称为 Hurd)是多服务器微内核, GNU 的一部分。 自由软件基金会 的 GNU项目 从1990年以来一直在开发它,它被设计为Unix内核的替代,使用 GNU通用公共许可证 作为 自由软件 发布。 GNU Hurd包括一组运行于 GNU Mach 微内核上的协议和服务器进程(或Unix术语中的守护进程)。 Hurd的目标是在功能、安全性和稳定性上超越Unix内核,而在很大程度上与它保持兼容。 GNU项目的操作系统选择 多服务器微内核,是由于认为它相对于传统Unix宏内核架 …
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