Free Astrology Birth Chart Report
We also offer detailed Astrology reports - birth chart, compatibility, romance, future forecasts, and more... Astrology reports . Double check the birth positions in your chart (example, your Ascendant) with us by sending your complete birth information to [email protected] with a note instructing us to double check.
Free Astrology Reports: Natal Chart, Compatibility, Future
Cafe Astrology's Free Charts. Generate your birth or natal chart with chartwheel and report with interpretations. Once you've created a natal chart, you can then select a compatibility or relationship report and forecasts.
The Astrology of Now: Current Transit Chart
This report features more succinct text than the general natal chart report, designed to apply not only to people born at a specific time, but also to current events and electing activities or new beginnings.
Free Astrology Reports Online
4 天之前 · Cafe Astrology offers free astrology charts, predictions, reports, and compatibility. Transits of Today.
Free Compatibility Report - Astrology
However, if you know both people's birth times, you can create a full Compatibility report that interprets more factors instead. First, create a birth chart here . After your birth chart generates, select the "Add a person" link at the top of the report page.
Natal Chart Report - Cafe Astrology
Cafe Astrology offers a free birth or natal chart report. Planet positions by sign and house, chart wheel drawing, interpretations of astrology charts.
Natal Chart Report - Cafe Astrology
Cafe Astrology offers a free birth or natal chart report. Planet positions by sign and house, chart wheel drawing, interpretations of astrology charts.
Natal Chart Report - Cafe Astrology
Cafe Astrology offers a free birth or natal chart report. Planet positions by sign and house, chart wheel drawing, interpretations of astrology charts.
Natal Chart Report - Cafe Astrology
Cafe Astrology offers a free birth or natal chart report. Planet positions by sign and house, chart wheel drawing, interpretations of astrology charts.
Horoscope - Cafe Astrology
Note that you can create a birth chart and select Unknown Birth Time if you don't know the time. Special note concerning transits and current events: Astrological transits continue in their cyclical ways no matter the current situation.